There are device classes for the following families:

All (863 device classes) AbstractClasses(9), AcceleratorComponents(4), Acquisition(114), Application(1), Archiving(2), BeamDiagnostics(17), BeamlineComponents(21), Calculation(30), Communication(42), Controllers(6), CounterTimer(22), InputOutput(39), Instrumentation(96), Interlock(1), Laser(1), MagneticDevices(5), MeasureInstruments(59), Measurement(1), Miscellaneous(30), Monitor(1), Motion(159), Motors(2), OtherInstruments(40), PLC(1), PowerSupply(39), REST(1), RadioProtection(3), SampleEnvironment(5), Security(2), Simulators(15), SoftwareSystem(23), StandardInterfaces(20), System(3), Temperature(23), Training(2), Vacuum(29),

Below you will find a table with device servers implementing classes of all families. Please click a family name above or use search to narrow the list.

Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
OSManager SoftwareSystem
OceanOpticsQEPRO Acquisition
OceanOpticsSTS Instrumentation Ocean Insight Oceans STS-NIR
OmsMaxV Motion Pro-Dex MaxV series
OmsMaxVIO InputOutput Oms MaxV
OmsServo Motion Pro-Dex MaxV series
OmsVme58 Motion none
Ophir3AQUAD Instrumentation Ophir 3A-QUAD
OphirPD300 Instrumentation Ophir PD300
Orbit3Sensor MeasureInstruments Solartron Metrology Orbit3
Orbit3SensorCtrl MeasureInstruments Solartron Metrology Orbit3
OrthodromicPositioner Motion none
Oscilloscope StandardInterfaces
OwisMMS19 Motion Owis MMS19
OxfCryostream Temperature Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream Cooler
OxfCryostreamCooler Instrumentation Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler
OxfCryostreamCoolerCtrl Instrumentation Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler
OxfordCryostream700 Temperature, AbstractClasses Oxford Cryosystems, none 700er Series Cryostream Cooler,
PEM100 OtherInstruments none
PIC863Mercury Motion PI C863
PIDController BeamDiagnostics none
PIDControllerP23 BeamDiagnostics none
PIE709Ctrl Motion Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG
PIE709Motor Motion Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG
PIE712 Motion Physik Instruments E712 controllers family
PIPEClient Communication none
PIPEKeithley Instrumentation none
PLCTempCtrlP02 Instrumentation none
PMACRMU Motion none

Cannot find any device class you need?

Don't worry. Please ask on mailing list. There could be some not yet added to the catalogue.