There are device classes for the following families:

All (863 device classes) AbstractClasses(9), AcceleratorComponents(4), Acquisition(114), Application(1), Archiving(2), BeamDiagnostics(17), BeamlineComponents(21), Calculation(30), Communication(42), Controllers(6), CounterTimer(22), InputOutput(39), Instrumentation(96), Interlock(1), Laser(1), MagneticDevices(5), MeasureInstruments(59), Measurement(1), Miscellaneous(30), Monitor(1), Motion(159), Motors(2), OtherInstruments(40), PLC(1), PowerSupply(39), REST(1), RadioProtection(3), SampleEnvironment(5), Security(2), Simulators(15), SoftwareSystem(23), StandardInterfaces(20), System(3), Temperature(23), Training(2), Vacuum(29),

Below you will find device servers implementing classes of Instrumentation family.

Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
OceanOpticsSTS Instrumentation Ocean Insight Oceans STS-NIR
Ophir3AQUAD Instrumentation Ophir 3A-QUAD
OphirPD300 Instrumentation Ophir PD300
OxfCryostreamCooler Instrumentation Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler
OxfCryostreamCoolerCtrl Instrumentation Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler
PIPEKeithley Instrumentation none
PLCTempCtrlP02 Instrumentation none
PerkinElmerCtrl Instrumentation Perkin Elmer XRD1621
PerkinElmerDetector Instrumentation Perkin Elmer XRD1621
Petra3Shutter Instrumentation none
Petra3Undulator Instrumentation none
PiLC Instrumentation none
PicoHarp300 Instrumentation PicoQuant GmbH PicoHarp300
PicoScaleAxis Instrumentation SmarAct
PicoScaleCtrl Instrumentation
PlcUndulator Instrumentation none
RamanOptics Instrumentation Fento Ventil
RohdeSchwarzSMa Instrumentation RohdeSchwarz SMA 100A
RohdeSchwarzSMgx Instrumentation RohdeSchwarz SMGX
RohdeSchwarzSMl Instrumentation RohdeSchwarz SMl
SIS3820 Instrumentation none
SPSeh2 Instrumentation none
T95TempProgLinkam Instrumentation Linkam Scientific Instruments T95 Temperature Programmer
TGA1240WaveGen Instrumentation Thurlby Thandar Instruments TGA1240 Waveform generators
TST350Stage Instrumentation Linkam Scientific Instruments T95 Temperature Programmer
ThermoScientificTempCtrl Instrumentation ThermoScientific AC150-A10
ThermocoupleioLogikE2262 Instrumentation Moxa ioLogikE2262
TwickenhamHDI Instrumentation Twickenham
TwickenhamSMC Instrumentation, Miscellaneous Twickenham, none Superconducting Magnet Controller 120-10/20 firmware 5.64 - 5.68,
V260 Instrumentation Caen V260

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