There are device classes for the following families:

All (863 device classes) AbstractClasses(9), AcceleratorComponents(4), Acquisition(114), Application(1), Archiving(2), BeamDiagnostics(17), BeamlineComponents(21), Calculation(30), Communication(42), Controllers(6), CounterTimer(22), InputOutput(39), Instrumentation(96), Interlock(1), Laser(1), MagneticDevices(5), MeasureInstruments(59), Measurement(1), Miscellaneous(30), Monitor(1), Motion(159), Motors(2), OtherInstruments(40), PLC(1), PowerSupply(39), REST(1), RadioProtection(3), SampleEnvironment(5), Security(2), Simulators(15), SoftwareSystem(23), StandardInterfaces(20), System(3), Temperature(23), Training(2), Vacuum(29),

Have you written a new device class? Please share it.

Below you will find a table with all device classes. Please click a family name above or use search to narrow the list. You may also use advanced search to find a device class you are looking for.

Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
DanteDpp Acquisition DECTRIS
KeithleyDMM7510 Measurement Keithley DMM 7510
Magnet622 MagneticDevices Cryogenic Ltd
LManalysis BeamDiagnostics none
Eurotherm3216 Instrumentation Invensys Systems GmbH
ZaberTMM Motors Zaber T-MM
AgilisAGP Motors Newport Agilis Conex AGP
ThorlabsSC10 Laser Thorlabs SC10
Simplon Acquisition Dectris Simplon API
AmptekPX5 Acquisition Amptek PX5

The catalogue has been prepared by 3Controls