HDB++ usage and subscriber errors
Dear all, I try to answer to some of the questions. 1) I was using the Configurator to add attributes. Thanks Lorenzo for the suggestion. I changed the hostname in lower case. 2) Concerning the GUI I tried with two versions of the java viewer. - With the version 1.10 provided at http://www.esrf.eu/computing/cs/tango/tango_doc/hdb_viewer/index.html I am able to add the archived attributes (float attributes) in the panel but I get the following error when fetching data (Perform search button):
This is already documented in this post: http://www.tango-controls.org/community/forum/c/general/installation/hdb-events-error/ - I tried to build the current git version viewer (version 1.14) and launch it using the same jar files (HDB++, jython, jcalendar) provided at http://www.esrf.eu/computing/cs/tango/tango_doc/hdb_viewer/index.html but in this case I get exceptions when I try to add the archived attributes in the panel and nothing is added in the viewer.
It is possible that I compiled the viewer in the wrong way or that I am mixing up things. I did the following:
Thanks for your suggestions, Cheers, Simone
Simone Riggi INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S. Sofia 78 95123, Catania - Italy phone: +39 095 7332 extension 282 e-mail: simone.riggi@gmail.com, sriggi@oact.inaf.it skype: simone.riggi **************************************************************** |
Dear all, I think I solved my problem with the viewer. I built the hdb extractor library (latest git version) and used this jar file (version 1.18) when launching the hdb viewer instead of the old one provided in the documentation page. Now I can add and view archived attributes in the viewer (see the attached screenshot). Well if you have additional suggestions they are very welcome ;) Cheers, Simone
Simone Riggi INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania Via S. Sofia 78 95123, Catania - Italy phone: +39 095 7332 extension 282 e-mail: simone.riggi@gmail.com, sriggi@oact.inaf.it skype: simone.riggi **************************************************************** |