Tango has been initially developped for controlling a synchrotron light source (the ESRF) but the system is generic and does not impose any domain. It is today used to control several types of installations mainly in Europe but also in few sites in America and Asia,
The main users are the following:
ESRF (France), Soleil (France), Elettra (Italy), Alba (Spain), Desy-Petra3 (Germany), MaxIV (Sweden), Solaris (Poland), Anka (Germany)
Neutron sources
FRMII (Germany)
Laser facilities
LMJ (France), ELI-Beamlines (Czech republic), ELI-ALPS (Hungary), Apollon (France), PETAL (France), FERMI (Free Electron Laser Italy)
Astrophysics and observatories
SKA (South Africa), INAF (Italy), IPAG (France)
Aerospace Lab
ONERA (France), Italian Mars Society (Italy)
Tohoku university (Japan), Szeged university (Hungary), UJF (France), Ecole Polyntechnique (France), Karlsruhe IT (Germany)
Thomx (Art and medecine) (France), Nangenex (Pharmaceutic industry)(Hungary), and several undeclared projects