This tool is a java GUI.
- The first goal is to know at a quick glance, if everything is OK in a control system, and otherwise to be able to diagnose a problem and solve it.
- The second goal is to configure the control system and its components.
- The third goal is to have long term analysis on components (logs, statistics, usage,....), manage your control system (Starting/Stopping/checking device servers...).
Leads Nicolas Tappret, ESRF |
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POGO (Code Generator)
This tool is able to define a TANGO class using a graphic user interface and generate this class code in specified language (C++, Java or Python).
Code generator for designing Tango device class in C++, Python or Java
Leads Damien Lacoste, ESRF |
Contributors Gara Sébastien, NEXEYA SYSTEMS |
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JDRAW (synoptic drawing tool)
A graphical editor to design the graphic shape of the synoptic. This editor is included in ATK so you don’t need to download any specific .jar file. As in any drawing editor you can group basic objects (like rectangle, circle, lines, …) to obtain more elaborated shapes. You can draw your own standard shapes and save them in a file such that they can be used in other synoptic files.
A synoptic editor to draw synoptics for controlling Tango devices (To be used with ATK)
Leads Jean-Luc PONS, ESRF |
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JIVE (Database Browser)
Jive is a standalone JAVA application designed to browse and edit the static TANGO database. Jive has been written using Swing and need a JVM higher than 1.6.0. You will find the way to manage and create devices, properties and classes. Jive also offers advanced search/selection features.
Leads Jean-Luc PONS, ESRF |
Source code |
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ATKPanel (Generic device panel)
Generic GUI for monitoring and controlling TANGO devices
Leads Jean-Luc Pons, ESRF |
Contributors Faranguiss Poncet, ESRF |
Source code |
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