mtango for web/mobile applications
- IK Company Igor Khorkhriakov (Ingvord)
mTangoSDK (mobile Tango Software Development Kit)'s main goal is to give developers tools for rapid development of web/mobile tango applications.
SDK consists of the following tools:
- mTangoREST.server -- a java web application that provides REST API to tango servers. Basically it is a bridge from "http://" to "tango://". For more information please refer to this page ...
- mTangoREST-client -- a maven artifact. This artifact provides java classes for mTango-REST java client development. Refer to this page for more information...
- jsTangORB -- a javascript library for mTango-REST javascript client development. Refer to this page for more information...
- mTangoUI -- a framework for rapid web/mobile UI development. Refer to this page for more information...
Tools stack is described here:
Please refer to project's main page for more details: mTangoSDK
- easy setup
- two steps authorization
- DatabaseDs and TangoAccessControl integration
- events support
- server side caches and optimizations
- images into response injection
mTangoREST-client for Java:
- distributed via maven
- predefined type tokens
- easy setup
- high level abstraction API to mTangoREST.server
- client side caches and optimizations
- easy integration with Apache Cordova
- predefined UI components
- reliable error handling
- client side optimizations
- Java SE 1.7u51 server runtime environment
- Servlet 3.0 compatible container, i.e. Apache Tomcat 7.0.x (Tested on: 7.0.54 win7 64; //TODO)
- Tango 8
- Apache Cordova 4.0 (Tested on 4.2) for mobile platforms
- Mobile device (Tested on Asus TF700T[Android 4.2.1] and Sony Xperia Z1 compact[Android 4.4.4])
Latest release
Latest version can be obtained here
Issues list is available here