This page contains examples on how to use C++ vectors to set attribute values on the servers side.
Tango is optimized not to copy data. For this reason all the attribute set_value() methods only take pointers as input. If you are going to use C++ vectors, you should be aware of the fact that you are going to copy the data! This might slow down execution time when working with large amount of data.
Examples for a vector of short and a vector of string:
void MyClass::read_Spectrum(Tango::Attribute &attr) { DEBUG_STREAM << "MyClass::read_Spectrum() entering... "<< endl; vector<Tango::DevShort> val; val.push_back(1); val.push_back(2); val.push_back(3); // data copy !! Tango::DevVarShortArray tmp_seq; tmp_seq << val; attr.set_value (tmp_seq.get_buffer(), tmp_seq.length()); }
void MyClass::read_StringSpectrum(Tango::Attribute &attr) { DEBUG_STREAM << "MyClass::read_StringSpectrum() entering... "<< endl; vector<string> val; val.push_back("Hello"); val.push_back("cruel"); val.push_back("world!"); // data copy !! Tango::DevVarStringArray tmp_seq; tmp_seq << val; attr.set_value (tmp_seq.get_buffer(), tmp_seq.length()); }