Let us know your efforts promoting Tango in Education at any level of study.
Nowadays, we have informations about :
- Jean-Charles Tournier (CERN Geneva) He teaches at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne). He kindly gives us his introductive slides about Scada. Important notes from an expert! He uses Tango as an example in his course at EPFL.
- Paul Deglo de Besses was student attending licence professionnelle "embedded systems" 2014-2015 at Grenoble UJF (Université Joseph Fourier) . He wrote down some snapshots and short notes during his labs at the ESRF, which were held by Andy Götz and Jean-Michel Chaize personally. Download .odt file here
arduino temperature sensor (4.6 MB)
- Raphaël Ponsard teaches CS at LGM (Lycée du Grésivaudan Meylan) and at UJF (Université Joseph Fourier). He uses Tango in his course since many years. Some of his material can be found here (public google docs).
He was also involved in a course on behalf of the IAEA (UN International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna). This is a technical course based upon Tango in order to share "best practices" in software development ... First session took place in Aïn Oussera - Algeria in Octobre 2014.
Feel free to share your work. We need tutorials, examples, labs, ... every aspects of Tango usage.