Below you will find a table with device servers for all device classes. Please click a family name above or use search to narrow the list. You may also use advanced search to find a device class you are looking for.

Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
SoftXDipoleOptic Calculation none
SpecBoardInterface Acquisition none
SpectroHR460 BeamlineComponents none
Spectrometer MeasureInstruments Ocean Optics USB2000+
Spk Motion none
Standa8smc4usb Motion Standa
StanfordDG645 CounterTimer, CounterTimer Stanford Research Systems, Stanford Research Systems DG645, DG645
Starter System ESRF
StateComposer Calculation
StatusServer2 SoftwareSystem HZG
Steerer PowerSupply
StraightSectionOptic Calculation none
T3AFG40WaveformGenerator MeasureInstruments Teledyne Test Tools T3AFG
T95TempProgLinkam Instrumentation Linkam Scientific Instruments T95 Temperature Programmer
TDCRoentdekCoboldPC Acquisition RoentDek TDC8HQ
TDCRoentdekCoboldPCCtrl Acquisition RoentDek TDC8HQ
TDKLambdaGenesys PowerSupply TDK-Lambda Americas Inc. Genesys
TDKLambdaZUP PowerSupply
TGA1240WaveGen Instrumentation Thurlby Thandar Instruments TGA1240 Waveform generators
TIFFWriter Calculation none
TIP551 InputOutput none
TIP830u20 InputOutput none
TIP850ADC InputOutput none
TIP850DAC InputOutput none
TIP850u10 InputOutput none
TPG300GaugeController Vacuum
TST350Stage Instrumentation Linkam Scientific Instruments T95 Temperature Programmer
TTTDynamicAttr Communication none
TTTGW Communication none
TacoMotor Motion none

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