Below you will find a table with device servers for all device classes. Please click a family name above or use search to narrow the list. You may also use advanced search to find a device class you are looking for.

Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
PS8000T PowerSupply Elektro-Automatic GmbH
PSCamera Acquisition Photonic Science Gemstar Xray CCD
PSCameraVHR Acquisition Photonic Science XRay Imager VHR CCD
PSDanFysikS7000 PowerSupply Phoenix Inline modular slave
PT104Pico MeasureInstruments Pico Technologies PT-104
PT104PicoCh MeasureInstruments Pico Technologies PT-104
Pco Acquisition
Peem Miscellaneous none
PerkinElmerCtrl Instrumentation Perkin Elmer XRD1621
PerkinElmerDetector Instrumentation Perkin Elmer XRD1621
Petra3ICS Miscellaneous none
Petra3Info Miscellaneous none
Petra3Shutter Instrumentation none
Petra3Undulator Instrumentation none
PetraBeamlineInfo BeamDiagnostics none
PfeifferGauge Vacuum Pfeiffer TPG262 and TPG256A
PfeifferGaugeController Vacuum
PhaseRetarderP09 Motion none
PhyMotionCtrl Motion Pythron phyMotion
PhyMotionDIOM InputOutput, InputOutput Pythron, Pythron PhyMotion, PhyMotion
PhyMotionMotor Motion Pythron phyMotion
PhytronMCC2Axis Motion Phytron MCC2
PhytronMCC2Ctrl Motion Phytron MCC2
PiLC Instrumentation none
PiLC2 OtherInstruments DESY PiLC2
PiLC2Client OtherInstruments none
PiLC7to1Multiplexer OtherInstruments none
PiLCADCTriggerGenerator OtherInstruments none

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