Below you will find a table with device servers for all device classes. Please click a family name above or use search to narrow the list. You may also use advanced search to find a device class you are looking for.

Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
MicroEpsilonILR118x AbstractClasses, MeasureInstruments none, Micro-Epsilon , ILR118x
MicrocodeDataViewer Motion
MidiVac Vacuum
MinimalCcd1394 Acquisition none
Ministat125 Temperature
MirrorCalculator Miscellaneous none
MirrorP02 Motion none
MirrorP09 Motion none
Modbus Communication none
ModbusComposer Calculation none
ModbusDataViewer Communication
ModbusPLC InputOutput
MonoP04 Motion none
MonoUndSynchronMotor Motion none
Motor AbstractClasses none
MotorEncControlledP04 Motion none
MultiChannelPowerSupply PowerSupply none
MultiPositionValveActuator OtherInstruments
MultipleAxes Motion
MultipleMotors Motion none
MuxSwitcher OtherInstruments SOLEIL
Mythen Acquisition, Acquisition PSI, PSI Mythen, Mythen
Mythen2 Acquisition dectris Mythen2
Mythen2Detector Acquisition DECTRIS
MythenClient Miscellaneous none
MythenRoIs Acquisition none
MythenWAXS Acquisition SOLEIL
NAT-MCH Miscellaneous none
NHQ_x0xx PowerSupply
NI6602 CounterTimer NI 6602

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