Development status:
Release: release_1_0_3
Information status: Updated
Class Description
IT Libera BPM Device Server
Families: BeamDiagnostics
Key words: BeamDiag
Platform: Unix Like
Language: Cpp
Manufacturer: I-Tech
Libera Photon
Bus: Ethernet
Class interface
Name | Description |
LiberaModelScalar: DevUShort | — |
DDEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | — |
DDBufferSizeScalar: DevLong | — |
DDDecimationFactorScalar: DevUShort | — |
DDTriggerOffsetScalar: DevLong | — |
DDBufferFreezingEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | — |
DDBufferFrozenScalar: DevBoolean | — |
DDTriggerCounterScalar: DevLong | — |
ExternalTriggerEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | — |
ExternalTriggerDelayScalar: DevLong | — |
SAEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | — |
XPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
ZPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
VaSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
VbSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
VcSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
VdSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
SumSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
IaSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
IbSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
IcSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
IdSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
ISumSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
SAStatNumSamplesScalar: DevLong | — |
XMeanPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
ZMeanPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
XRMSPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
ZRMSPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
XPeakPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
ZPeakPosSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
SumMeanSAScalar: DevDouble | — |
ADCEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | — |
ADCBufferSizeScalar: DevLong | — |
PMDecimationFactorScalar: DevUShort | — |
PMOffsetScalar: DevLong | — |
PMNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean | — |
PMNotificationCounterScalar: DevShort | — |
InterlockXNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean | — |
InterlockZNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean | — |
InterlockBiasCurrentLimitNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean | — |
InterlockBiasOverCurrentNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean | — |
InterlockADCOverflowNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean | — |
XLowScalar: DevDouble | — |
XHighScalar: DevDouble | — |
ZLowScalar: DevDouble | — |
ZHighScalar: DevDouble | — |
OffsetTuneScalar: DevLong | — |
ARCEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | — |
RangeScalar: DevUShort | — |
BiasVoltageSourceModeScalar: DevShort | — |
BiasVoltage0Scalar: DevLong | — |
BiasVoltage1Scalar: DevLong | — |
BiasScalar: DevShort | — |
MachineTimeScalar: DevDouble | — |
TimePhaseScalar: DevLong | — |
SystemTimeScalar: DevDouble | — |
SCPLLStatusScalar: DevBoolean | — |
MCPLLStatusScalar: DevBoolean | — |
DigitalBoardTemperatureScalar: DevShort | — |
InnerShieldTemperatureScalar: DevLong | — |
OuterShieldTemperatureScalar: DevLong | — |
Fan1SpeedScalar: DevShort | — |
Fan2SpeedScalar: DevShort | — |
UpTimeScalar: DevLong | — |
CpuUsageScalar: DevLong | — |
FreeMemoryScalar: DevLong | — |
RamFsUsageScalar: DevLong | — |
UseLiberaPosDataScalar: DevBoolean | — |
PositionAlgorithmScalar: DevUShort | — |
InsertionDeviceGapScalar: DevUShort | — |
AutoCalibrationModeScalar: DevUShort | — |
XPosDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
ZPosDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
SumDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VaDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VbDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VcDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VdDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
IaDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
IbDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
IcDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
IdDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
ISumDDSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
XPosSAHistorySpectrum: DevDouble | — |
ZPosSAHistorySpectrum: DevDouble | — |
SumSAHistorySpectrum: DevDouble | — |
XPosPMSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
ZPosPMSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
SumPMSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VaPMSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VbPMSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VcPMSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
VdPMSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
ADCChannelASpectrum: DevLong | — |
ADCChannelBSpectrum: DevLong | — |
ADCChannelCSpectrum: DevLong | — |
ADCChannelDSpectrum: DevLong | — |
UserDataSpectrum: DevShort | — |
InterlockConfigurationSpectrum: DevDouble | — |
logsSpectrum: DevString | — |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State |
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: DevString |
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller. |
DisableADCInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Disables the so called ADC data source |
DisableDDInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Disables the so called "data on demand" (i.e. first turns) data source |
DisableDDBufferFreezingInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Disables the DD buffer freezing mechanism |
DisableSAInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Disables the so called "slow acquisition" data source |
EnableADCInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Enables the so called ADC data source |
EnableDDInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Enables the so called "data on demand" (i.e. first turns) data source |
EnableDDBufferFreezingInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Enables the DD buffer freezing mechanism |
EnableSAInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Enables the so called "slow acquisition" data source |
GetParametersInput: DevVoid Output: DevVarDoubleStringArray |
Retruns the current gains and offsets (i.e. the parameters used for position computation) |
ReadFADataInput: DevVarLongArray Output: DevVarLongArray |
Statring from[offest] in FA data block, reads [size of elems] * [num of elems] bytes. |
ReloadSystemPropertiesInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
None. |
ResetInterlockNotificationInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Resets the interlock notification flags to false |
ResetPMNotificationInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
None. |
SetInterlockConfigurationInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Change interlock configuration using the InterlockConfiguration class (or device) property. Only modify the interlock configuration, the remaining env. parameters remain unchanged. |
SetTimeOnNextTriggerInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Applies both machine et system time values on next trigger |
UnfreezeDDBufferInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Unfreezes the DD buffer |
WriteFADataInput: DevVarLongArray Output: DevVoid |
Starting from [offset] in Fa data block, writes [size of elems * num of elems]. The actual data to be written starts at index [4] in the input array. |
Name | Description |
InterlockConfigurationDouble[]Type | The user defined interlock configuration. This is the configuration that should be applied on the Libera in case the device `finds` the Libera in its default startup configuration when it is itself starting up or executing its Init TANGO command. This configuration can also be applied using the dedicated ``SetInterlockConfiguration`` expert command. Parameters mapping: [0] Interlock : mode - [0]: disabled, [1]: enabled, [3]: enabled with gain dependency [1] Interlock : threshold : X low in mm [2] Interlock : threshold : X high in mm [3] Interlock : threshold : Z low in mm (i.e. Y low in the Libera terminology) [4] Interlock : threshold : Z high in mm (i.e. Y high in the Libera terminology) [5] Interlock : overflow limit (ADC threshold) [6] Interlock : overflow duration (num of overloaded ADC samples before raising intlck) [7] Interlock : gain limit in dBm (intlck not active under this limit) - valid range is [-60, 0] |
EnableDDOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/Disables DD optional data (IxDD and QxDD) |
EnableSAOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/disables SA optional Data (currently not used) |
EnableSAHistoryOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/disables SA History optional data (sum history) |
EnableADCOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/disables ADC optional data (currently not used) |
ADCTaskActivityPeriodDevLong | Specifies the data reading period in ms. Must be in the range [500, 25000] ms. Defaults to 1000. |
BladesKiInt[]Type | The blades `Ki` coefficients (array of signed 32bits integer values) |
BladesLeakageInt[]Type | The blades `leakage` values (array of signed 32bits integer values) |
BladesIOffsetInt[]Type | The blades `i-offset` values (array of signed 32bits integer values) |
DDDecimationFactorDevShort | The DD decimation factor. Allowed values : 1 (no decimation) or 64 (for the so called booster normal mode) |
DDTaskActivityPeriodDevLong | Specify the watch-dog (1) or data reading period (2) in ms. Must be in the rangec [500, 25000] ms. Defaults to 1000. (1) : external trigger enabled - (2) : external trigger disabled. |
DefaultADCBufferSizeDevLong | Default [or initial] value for attribute ADCBufferSize [in samples]. Defaults to 1024. |
DefaultDDBufferSizeDevLong | Default [or initial] value for attribute DDBufferSize [in samples]. Defaults to 1024. |
DefaultSAStatNumSamplesDevLong | Default number of SA history samples to use form RMS pos. computation. Defaults to 10 (last second in the SA history). |
DefaultTimePhaseValueDevLong | Default value for the machine time phase. Its valid range is [0, RfSfRatio - 1] where RfSfRatio is a machine dependent system property. |
EnableADCDevBoolean | Specifies whether or not the ADC data source should be enabled at startup. Defaults to false. |
EnableADCOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/disables ADC optional data (currently not used) |
EnableDDDevBoolean | Specifies whether or not the DD data source should be enabled at startup. Defaults to false. |
EnableDDOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/Disables DD optional data (IxDD and QxDD) |
EnableExternalTriggerDevBoolean | Enables (or not) the external trigger source. Inlfuences the TANGO device behaviour not the Libera itself. Defaults to false. |
EnableSADevBoolean | Specifies whether or not the SA data source should be enabled at startup. Defaults to false. |
EnableSAHistoryOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/disables SA History optional data (sum history) |
EnableSAOptionalDataDevBoolean | Enables/disables SA optional Data (currently not used) |
FADataCacheRefreshPeriodDevLong | The cache refresh period in msecs. Defaults to 500 ms (2Hz). |
InterlockConfigurationType | The user defined interlock configuration. This is the configuration that should be applied on the Libera in case the device `finds` the Libera in its default startup configuration when it is itself starting up or executing its Init TANGO command. This configuration can also be applied using the dedicated `SetInterlockConfiguration` expert command. Parameters mapping: [0] Interlock : mode - [0]: disabled, [1]: enabled, [3]: enabled with gain dependency [1] Interlock : threshold : X low in mm [2] Interlock : threshold : X high in mm [3] Interlock : threshold : Z low in mm (i.e. Y low in the Libera terminology) [4] Interlock : threshold : Z high in mm (i.e. Y high in the Libera terminology) [5] Interlock : overflow limit (ADC threshold) [6] Interlock : overflow duration (num of overloaded ADC samples before raising intlck) [7] Interlock : gain limit in dBm (intlck not active under this limit) - valid range is [-60, 0] |
InterlockUnderflowDevLong | Interlock Underflow (signed 32bits integer value) |
KxDevDouble | Kx. Defaults to 1.0 |
KzDevDouble | Kz. Defaults to 1.0. |
LiberaIpAddrDevString | The Libera IP address [no default value] |
LiberaMulticastIpAddrDevString | Asynch. notifications (e.g. trigger events) will be send to this addr [no default value] |
LiberaPortDevShort | The port on which the generic server handles external requests. Defaults to 23721. |
LocationDevString | The BPM location [TL1, BOOSTER, TL2 or STORAGE_RING]. No default value. |
MaxDDBufferSizeWhenDecimationEnabledDevLong | Max. DD buffer size when decimation enabled on DD data source. Defaults to 10000 |
PassBBAOffsetsToFPGADevBoolean | Controls wether or not the BBA offsets are taken into account when computing the offsets passed to the FPGA process |
PMDecimationFactorDevShort | The PM decimation factor. Allowed values : 1 (no decimation) or 64 (for the so called booster normal mode) |
SAHistoryLengthDevLong | SA history buffer length [in samples]. Defaults to 8196. |
SATaskActivityPeriodDevLong | Specify the watch-dog (1) or data reading period (2) in ms. Must be in the range [100, 25000] ms. Defaults to 100. |
VtoIConvFactorDevDouble | Conv. factor for DD Vx to Ix computation : Ix = k * Vx / R Defaults to 3.2768/2^31. |
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