
Average: 0
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Development status: Released, Release: release_1_0_3
Information status: Updated
Repository: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-ds/code/DeviceClasses/BeamDiagnostics/i-tech-photon
Contact: nl@soleil.fr

Class Description

IT Libera BPM Device Server

Families: BeamDiagnostics

Key words: BeamDiag

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp


Contact: nl@soleil.fr


Manufacturer: I-Tech


Libera Photon

Bus: Ethernet

Class interface


Name Description
LiberaModelScalar: DevUShort
DDEnabledScalar: DevBoolean
DDBufferSizeScalar: DevLong
DDDecimationFactorScalar: DevUShort
DDTriggerOffsetScalar: DevLong
DDBufferFreezingEnabledScalar: DevBoolean
DDBufferFrozenScalar: DevBoolean
DDTriggerCounterScalar: DevLong
ExternalTriggerEnabledScalar: DevBoolean
ExternalTriggerDelayScalar: DevLong
SAEnabledScalar: DevBoolean
XPosSAScalar: DevDouble
ZPosSAScalar: DevDouble
VaSAScalar: DevDouble
VbSAScalar: DevDouble
VcSAScalar: DevDouble
VdSAScalar: DevDouble
SumSAScalar: DevDouble
IaSAScalar: DevDouble
IbSAScalar: DevDouble
IcSAScalar: DevDouble
IdSAScalar: DevDouble
ISumSAScalar: DevDouble
SAStatNumSamplesScalar: DevLong
XMeanPosSAScalar: DevDouble
ZMeanPosSAScalar: DevDouble
XRMSPosSAScalar: DevDouble
ZRMSPosSAScalar: DevDouble
XPeakPosSAScalar: DevDouble
ZPeakPosSAScalar: DevDouble
SumMeanSAScalar: DevDouble
ADCEnabledScalar: DevBoolean
ADCBufferSizeScalar: DevLong
PMDecimationFactorScalar: DevUShort
PMOffsetScalar: DevLong
PMNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean
PMNotificationCounterScalar: DevShort
InterlockXNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean
InterlockZNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean
InterlockBiasCurrentLimitNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean
InterlockBiasOverCurrentNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean
InterlockADCOverflowNotifiedScalar: DevBoolean
XLowScalar: DevDouble
XHighScalar: DevDouble
ZLowScalar: DevDouble
ZHighScalar: DevDouble
OffsetTuneScalar: DevLong
ARCEnabledScalar: DevBoolean
RangeScalar: DevUShort
BiasVoltageSourceModeScalar: DevShort
BiasVoltage0Scalar: DevLong
BiasVoltage1Scalar: DevLong
BiasScalar: DevShort
MachineTimeScalar: DevDouble
TimePhaseScalar: DevLong
SystemTimeScalar: DevDouble
SCPLLStatusScalar: DevBoolean
MCPLLStatusScalar: DevBoolean
DigitalBoardTemperatureScalar: DevShort
InnerShieldTemperatureScalar: DevLong
OuterShieldTemperatureScalar: DevLong
Fan1SpeedScalar: DevShort
Fan2SpeedScalar: DevShort
UpTimeScalar: DevLong
CpuUsageScalar: DevLong
FreeMemoryScalar: DevLong
RamFsUsageScalar: DevLong
UseLiberaPosDataScalar: DevBoolean
PositionAlgorithmScalar: DevUShort
InsertionDeviceGapScalar: DevUShort
AutoCalibrationModeScalar: DevUShort
XPosDDSpectrum: DevDouble
ZPosDDSpectrum: DevDouble
SumDDSpectrum: DevDouble
VaDDSpectrum: DevDouble
VbDDSpectrum: DevDouble
VcDDSpectrum: DevDouble
VdDDSpectrum: DevDouble
IaDDSpectrum: DevDouble
IbDDSpectrum: DevDouble
IcDDSpectrum: DevDouble
IdDDSpectrum: DevDouble
ISumDDSpectrum: DevDouble
XPosSAHistorySpectrum: DevDouble
ZPosSAHistorySpectrum: DevDouble
SumSAHistorySpectrum: DevDouble
XPosPMSpectrum: DevDouble
ZPosPMSpectrum: DevDouble
SumPMSpectrum: DevDouble
VaPMSpectrum: DevDouble
VbPMSpectrum: DevDouble
VcPMSpectrum: DevDouble
VdPMSpectrum: DevDouble
ADCChannelASpectrum: DevLong
ADCChannelBSpectrum: DevLong
ADCChannelCSpectrum: DevLong
ADCChannelDSpectrum: DevLong
UserDataSpectrum: DevShort
InterlockConfigurationSpectrum: DevDouble
logsSpectrum: DevString


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
DisableADCInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Disables the so called ADC data source
DisableDDInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Disables the so called "data on demand" (i.e. first turns) data source
DisableDDBufferFreezingInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Disables the DD buffer freezing mechanism
DisableSAInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Disables the so called "slow acquisition" data source
EnableADCInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Enables the so called ADC data source
EnableDDInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Enables the so called "data on demand" (i.e. first turns) data source
EnableDDBufferFreezingInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Enables the DD buffer freezing mechanism
EnableSAInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Enables the so called "slow acquisition" data source
GetParametersInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVarDoubleStringArray
Retruns the current gains and offsets (i.e. the parameters used for position computation)
ReadFADataInput: DevVarLongArray
Output: DevVarLongArray
Statring from[offest] in FA data block, reads [size of elems] * [num of elems] bytes.
ReloadSystemPropertiesInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
ResetInterlockNotificationInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Resets the interlock notification flags to false
ResetPMNotificationInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
SetInterlockConfigurationInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Change interlock configuration using the InterlockConfiguration class (or device) property. Only modify the interlock configuration, the remaining env. parameters remain unchanged.
SetTimeOnNextTriggerInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Applies both machine et system time values on next trigger
UnfreezeDDBufferInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Unfreezes the DD buffer
WriteFADataInput: DevVarLongArray
Output: DevVoid
Starting from [offset] in Fa data block, writes [size of elems * num of elems]. The actual data to be written starts at index [4] in the input array.



Name Description
InterlockConfigurationDouble[]Type The user defined interlock configuration. This is the configuration that should be applied on the Libera in case the device `finds` the Libera in its default startup configuration when it is itself starting up or executing its Init TANGO command. This configuration can also be applied using the dedicated ``SetInterlockConfiguration`` expert command. Parameters mapping: [0] Interlock : mode - [0]: disabled, [1]: enabled, [3]: enabled with gain dependency [1] Interlock : threshold : X low in mm [2] Interlock : threshold : X high in mm [3] Interlock : threshold : Z low in mm (i.e. Y low in the Libera terminology) [4] Interlock : threshold : Z high in mm (i.e. Y high in the Libera terminology) [5] Interlock : overflow limit (ADC threshold) [6] Interlock : overflow duration (num of overloaded ADC samples before raising intlck) [7] Interlock : gain limit in dBm (intlck not active under this limit) - valid range is [-60, 0]
EnableDDOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/Disables DD optional data (IxDD and QxDD)
EnableSAOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/disables SA optional Data (currently not used)
EnableSAHistoryOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/disables SA History optional data (sum history)
EnableADCOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/disables ADC optional data (currently not used)
ADCTaskActivityPeriodDevLong Specifies the data reading period in ms. Must be in the range [500, 25000] ms. Defaults to 1000.
BladesKiInt[]Type The blades `Ki` coefficients (array of signed 32bits integer values)
BladesLeakageInt[]Type The blades `leakage` values (array of signed 32bits integer values)
BladesIOffsetInt[]Type The blades `i-offset` values (array of signed 32bits integer values)
DDDecimationFactorDevShort The DD decimation factor. Allowed values : 1 (no decimation) or 64 (for the so called booster normal mode)
DDTaskActivityPeriodDevLong Specify the watch-dog (1) or data reading period (2) in ms. Must be in the rangec [500, 25000] ms. Defaults to 1000. (1) : external trigger enabled - (2) : external trigger disabled.
DefaultADCBufferSizeDevLong Default [or initial] value for attribute ADCBufferSize [in samples]. Defaults to 1024.
DefaultDDBufferSizeDevLong Default [or initial] value for attribute DDBufferSize [in samples]. Defaults to 1024.
DefaultSAStatNumSamplesDevLong Default number of SA history samples to use form RMS pos. computation. Defaults to 10 (last second in the SA history).
DefaultTimePhaseValueDevLong Default value for the machine time phase. Its valid range is [0, RfSfRatio - 1] where RfSfRatio is a machine dependent system property.
EnableADCDevBoolean Specifies whether or not the ADC data source should be enabled at startup. Defaults to false.
EnableADCOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/disables ADC optional data (currently not used)
EnableDDDevBoolean Specifies whether or not the DD data source should be enabled at startup. Defaults to false.
EnableDDOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/Disables DD optional data (IxDD and QxDD)
EnableExternalTriggerDevBoolean Enables (or not) the external trigger source. Inlfuences the TANGO device behaviour not the Libera itself. Defaults to false.
EnableSADevBoolean Specifies whether or not the SA data source should be enabled at startup. Defaults to false.
EnableSAHistoryOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/disables SA History optional data (sum history)
EnableSAOptionalDataDevBoolean Enables/disables SA optional Data (currently not used)
FADataCacheRefreshPeriodDevLong The cache refresh period in msecs. Defaults to 500 ms (2Hz).
InterlockConfigurationType The user defined interlock configuration. This is the configuration that should be applied on the Libera in case the device `finds` the Libera in its default startup configuration when it is itself starting up or executing its Init TANGO command. This configuration can also be applied using the dedicated `SetInterlockConfiguration` expert command. Parameters mapping: [0] Interlock : mode - [0]: disabled, [1]: enabled, [3]: enabled with gain dependency [1] Interlock : threshold : X low in mm [2] Interlock : threshold : X high in mm [3] Interlock : threshold : Z low in mm (i.e. Y low in the Libera terminology) [4] Interlock : threshold : Z high in mm (i.e. Y high in the Libera terminology) [5] Interlock : overflow limit (ADC threshold) [6] Interlock : overflow duration (num of overloaded ADC samples before raising intlck) [7] Interlock : gain limit in dBm (intlck not active under this limit) - valid range is [-60, 0]
InterlockUnderflowDevLong Interlock Underflow (signed 32bits integer value)
KxDevDouble Kx. Defaults to 1.0
KzDevDouble Kz. Defaults to 1.0.
LiberaIpAddrDevString The Libera IP address [no default value]
LiberaMulticastIpAddrDevString Asynch. notifications (e.g. trigger events) will be send to this addr [no default value]
LiberaPortDevShort The port on which the generic server handles external requests. Defaults to 23721.
LocationDevString The BPM location [TL1, BOOSTER, TL2 or STORAGE_RING]. No default value.
MaxDDBufferSizeWhenDecimationEnabledDevLong Max. DD buffer size when decimation enabled on DD data source. Defaults to 10000
PassBBAOffsetsToFPGADevBoolean Controls wether or not the BBA offsets are taken into account when computing the offsets passed to the FPGA process
PMDecimationFactorDevShort The PM decimation factor. Allowed values : 1 (no decimation) or 64 (for the so called booster normal mode)
SAHistoryLengthDevLong SA history buffer length [in samples]. Defaults to 8196.
SATaskActivityPeriodDevLong Specify the watch-dog (1) or data reading period (2) in ms. Must be in the range [100, 25000] ms. Defaults to 100.
VtoIConvFactorDevDouble Conv. factor for DD Vx to Ix computation : Ix = k * Vx / R Defaults to 3.2768/2^31.

Added by:pgoryl2 on:23 Feb 2017, 9:29 a.m.