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Development status: New development
Information status: Updated
Repository: http://svn.code.sf.net/p/tango-ds/code/DeviceClasses/BeamDiagnostics/Xbpm
Contact: sebastien.gara@nexeya.com

Class Description

This class is an universal Xbpm controller.
Xpbm Currents (mA) and Beam Position X (�m) and Z (�m) will be processed by this class.

Families: BeamDiagnostics

Key words: BeamDiag

Platform: All Platforms

Language: Cpp


Contact: sebastien.gara@nexeya.com


Manufacturer: none

Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
gainScalar: DevDouble
enableAutoRangeScalar: DevBoolean
current1Scalar: DevDouble
current2Scalar: DevDouble
current3Scalar: DevDouble
current4Scalar: DevDouble
intensityScalar: DevDouble
measurementUnitScalar: DevString
horizontalPositionScalar: DevDouble
verticalPositionScalar: DevDouble
computationModeScalar: DevUShort


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: DevString
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
StartInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Starts acquisition in continuous mode.
StopInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Stops acquisition
SetUnitInput: DevUShort
Output: DevVoid
Sets currents unit.



Name Description
ElectrometerProxyNameDevString Name of the Electrometer Device proxy (ex : LoCum-4 Device).
ElectrometerGainNameDevString Name of the Electrometer Device gain attribute (ex: gain).
SaiControllerProxyNameDevString Name of the SaiController Device proxy.
SaiControllerChan0NameDevString Name of the SaiController channel 0 attribute (ex: channel0).
SaiControllerChan1NameDevString Name of the SaiController channel 1 attribute (ex: channel1).
SaiControllerChan2NameDevString Name of the SaiController channel 2 attribute (ex: channel2).
SaiControllerChan3NameDevString Name of the SaiController channel 3 attribute (ex: channel3).
I1OffsetDevDouble Current offset (in �A) on electrode 1.
I2OffsetDevDouble Current offset (in �A) on electrode 2.
I3OffsetDevDouble Current offset (in �A) on electrode 3.
I4OffsetDevDouble Current offset (in �A) on electrode 4.
GI1DevDouble Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 1.
GI2DevDouble Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 2.
GI3DevDouble Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 3.
GI4DevDouble Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 4.
V1OffsetDevDouble Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 1.
V2OffsetDevDouble Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 2.
V3OffsetDevDouble Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 3.
V4OffsetDevDouble Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 4.
LowVoltageThresholdDevDouble If the input voltage of the ADC decrease this threshold (in V), the corresponding average current attribute become ALARM (i.e. if |Vmes| < threshold).
HighVoltageThresholdDevDouble If the input voltage of the ADC exceed this threshold (in V), the corresponding average current attribute become ALARM (i.e. |Vmes|> threshold).
IntensityThresholdDevDouble Current out of which the Measured Intensity has a meaning (in micro-A).
StartAtInitDevBoolean Launch start command at initialization time.
EnableSigmaIntensityDevBoolean Enables or disables standard deviation intensity computing (standardDeviationIntensity & currentSpectrum attributes).
EnablePositionHistoryDevBoolean Enables or disables standard deviation position computing (standardDeviationPosition & historyPosition attributes)
EnableIntensityHistoryDevBoolean Enables or disables intensity history (historyIntensity attribute)
EnableFluxComputingDevBoolean Enables or disables beam flux display (flux attribute).
BeamEnergyProxyNameDevString Name of the beam Energy Device Proxy.
EnergyAttrDevString Name of the energy attribute to read from the beam energy Device Proxy.
ModeXString[]Type List of the properties needed by the computation mode `X`. Format: {key}::{value}
ScanModeDevBoolean If true, this property enables the scan mode, i.e. the polling task is disabled and data is computed on each client`s request.
XbpmTypeDevString XBPM type among PSD, Quadrant. Determines the intensity calculation.

Added by:pgoryl2 on:23 Feb 2017, 9:26 a.m.