Development status:
New development
Information status: Updated
Class Description
- This class is an universal Xbpm controller.
- Xpbm Currents (mA) and Beam Position X (�m) and Z (�m) will be processed by this class.
Families: BeamDiagnostics
Key words: BeamDiag
Platform: All Platforms
Language: Cpp
Manufacturer: none
Bus: Not Applicable
Class interface
Name | Description |
gainScalar: DevDouble | — |
enableAutoRangeScalar: DevBoolean | — |
current1Scalar: DevDouble | — |
current2Scalar: DevDouble | — |
current3Scalar: DevDouble | — |
current4Scalar: DevDouble | — |
intensityScalar: DevDouble | — |
measurementUnitScalar: DevString | — |
horizontalPositionScalar: DevDouble | — |
verticalPositionScalar: DevDouble | — |
computationModeScalar: DevUShort | — |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State |
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: DevString |
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StartInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Starts acquisition in continuous mode. |
StopInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Stops acquisition |
SetUnitInput: DevUShort Output: DevVoid |
Sets currents unit. |
Name | Description |
ElectrometerProxyNameDevString | Name of the Electrometer Device proxy (ex : LoCum-4 Device). |
ElectrometerGainNameDevString | Name of the Electrometer Device gain attribute (ex: gain). |
SaiControllerProxyNameDevString | Name of the SaiController Device proxy. |
SaiControllerChan0NameDevString | Name of the SaiController channel 0 attribute (ex: channel0). |
SaiControllerChan1NameDevString | Name of the SaiController channel 1 attribute (ex: channel1). |
SaiControllerChan2NameDevString | Name of the SaiController channel 2 attribute (ex: channel2). |
SaiControllerChan3NameDevString | Name of the SaiController channel 3 attribute (ex: channel3). |
I1OffsetDevDouble | Current offset (in �A) on electrode 1. |
I2OffsetDevDouble | Current offset (in �A) on electrode 2. |
I3OffsetDevDouble | Current offset (in �A) on electrode 3. |
I4OffsetDevDouble | Current offset (in �A) on electrode 4. |
GI1DevDouble | Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 1. |
GI2DevDouble | Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 2. |
GI3DevDouble | Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 3. |
GI4DevDouble | Gain correction (in �A/V) for electrode 4. |
V1OffsetDevDouble | Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 1. |
V2OffsetDevDouble | Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 2. |
V3OffsetDevDouble | Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 3. |
V4OffsetDevDouble | Voltage offset (in V) on electrode 4. |
LowVoltageThresholdDevDouble | If the input voltage of the ADC decrease this threshold (in V), the corresponding average current attribute become ALARM (i.e. if |Vmes| < threshold). |
HighVoltageThresholdDevDouble | If the input voltage of the ADC exceed this threshold (in V), the corresponding average current attribute become ALARM (i.e. |Vmes|> threshold). |
IntensityThresholdDevDouble | Current out of which the Measured Intensity has a meaning (in micro-A). |
StartAtInitDevBoolean | Launch start command at initialization time. |
EnableSigmaIntensityDevBoolean | Enables or disables standard deviation intensity computing (standardDeviationIntensity & currentSpectrum attributes). |
EnablePositionHistoryDevBoolean | Enables or disables standard deviation position computing (standardDeviationPosition & historyPosition attributes) |
EnableIntensityHistoryDevBoolean | Enables or disables intensity history (historyIntensity attribute) |
EnableFluxComputingDevBoolean | Enables or disables beam flux display (flux attribute). |
BeamEnergyProxyNameDevString | Name of the beam Energy Device Proxy. |
EnergyAttrDevString | Name of the energy attribute to read from the beam energy Device Proxy. |
ModeXString[]Type | List of the properties needed by the computation mode `X`. Format: {key}::{value} |
ScanModeDevBoolean | If true, this property enables the scan mode, i.e. the polling task is disabled and data is computed on each client`s request. |
XbpmTypeDevString | XBPM type among PSD, Quadrant. Determines the intensity calculation. |
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The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
22 Feb 2018, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
20 Apr 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been added to catalogue.