This is historical information of device classes implemented in MKSPR4000B device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released
Information status: New


Class Description

Device server to control one channel of a PR4000B Digital Power Supply and Readout

Families: Instrumentation

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: MKS Instruments


Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
ValueScalar: DevDouble
SetPointScalar: DevDouble
ValveEnableScalar: DevBoolean enable / disable valve get valve status true: enable(d) false: disable(d)
RangeScalar: DevDouble Range
UnitScalar: DevUShort Unit: ubar = 0 mbar = 1 bar = 2 mTor = 3 Torr = 4 KTor = 5 Pa = 6 kPa = 7 mH2O = 8 cH2O = 9 PSI = 10 N/qm = 11 SCCM = 12 SLM = 13 SCM = 14 SCFH = 15 SCFM = 16 mA = 17 V = 18 % = 19 C = 20
OffSetScalar: DevShort
GainScalar: DevDouble
SignalModeScalar: DevUShort signal mode: 0 = METER 1 = OFF 2 = INDEP 3 = EXTRN, 4 = SLAVE 5 = RTD
InputRangeScalar: DevUShort
OutputRangeScalar: DevUShort
ExternalInputRangeScalar: DevUShort
ExternalOutputRangeScalar: DevUShort
ScaleScalar: DevDouble
LimitModeScalar: DevUShort limit mode: 0 = SLEEP 1 = LIMIT 2 = BAND 3 = MLIMIT 4 = MBAND
DeadBandScalar: DevDouble
UpperLimitScalar: DevDouble
LowerLimitScalar: DevDouble
ExternalInputScalar: DevDouble


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
Device state
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Device status
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.



Name Description
ControllerDevString Tango device name of MKSPR4000BCtrl device
ChannelNrDevUShort Channel number (1 or 2)

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:19 Jan 2017, 10:50 a.m.