This is historical information of device classes implemented in BergozPCT device server.
Use this link to find the valid information.
Development status:
Information status: New
Class Description
Socket connection to the Fast Scintillation Detector.
Families: Acquisition
Key words:
Platform: All Platforms
Language: Cpp
Manufacturer: none
Bus: Not Applicable
Class interface
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State State Code |
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: ConstDevString Status description |
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
WriteSocketInput: DevString Command Output: DevVoid |
Sends a command to the Socket |
WriteReadSocketInput: DevString Command Output: DevString Answer |
Writes a command to the socket and gets the answer. |
CloseSocketInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Close socket connection. |
Name | Description |
PortNbDevLong | RS232 Port Number |
IpAddrDevString | Ip address of the terminal server |
SimulationModeDevULong | 0 -> real mode, 1 -> simulation mode |
Class Description
This Tango class is dedicated to the control of a parametric current transformer (PCT) (Bergoz CT + Keithley 2701 digital multimeter + Keithley 7706 board in multimeter when needed (for calibration))
Families: Instrumentation
Key words:
Platform: Unix Like
Language: Cpp
License: GPL
Manufacturer: none
Bus: Ethernet
Class interface
Name | Description |
CurrentScalar: DevDouble | Storage ring current in mA |
LifetimeScalar: DevDouble | Storage ring current lifetime in seconds |
InjectionRateScalar: DevDouble | Compute the injection rate (delta I / delta t). Required at least 10 values in history buffer It is possible to read this attribute only when the device has detected one injection (MOVING state) |
DMMVoltageScalar: DevDouble | The last voltage value read from the digital DMM |
FitSizeScalar: DevLong | The maximum number of samples in history buffer on which to apply a lifetime fit computation. |
CurrentDecreaseDeltaScalar: DevDouble | The maximum delta current between the first point and the last point in current history which will be taken into account in lifetime fit calculation |
CurrentIncreaseDeltaScalar: DevDouble | The minimum current increase which is used to decide that an injection is in progress |
NewGainScalar: DevDouble | New value for Gain resulting from a calibration. The gain is used in current value computation. Will be used and memorized after a StoreNewGainAndOffset command Set to 0 until a calibartion is performed |
NewOffsetScalar: DevDouble | New value for Offset resulting from a calibration. The offset is used in current value computation. Will be used and memorized after a StoreNewGainAndOffset command Set to 0 until a calibration is performed |
GainScalar: DevDouble | The linear coefficient used in current computation Current = (Measure + Offset ) * Gain |
OffsetScalar: DevDouble | The offset used in current computation Current = (Measure + Offset) * Gain |
LifetimeIntegrationTimeScalar: DevDouble | Delta time in history buffer taken into account for lifetime fit |
RawCurrentScalar: DevDouble | Storage ring current in mA not corrected for negative value (needed by expert) |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State State Code |
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: ConstDevString Status description |
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
DoCalibrationInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Start a calibration process |
StoreNewGainAndOffsetInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Store the new computed gain and offset in the database and use them in current computation |
Name | Description |
DMMDeviceNameDevString | The device name of the digital multimeter |
GainDevDouble | PCT gain |
OffsetDevDouble | PCT offset |
CalibrationResistorDevShort | Value in ohm of the resistor used for the calibration. |
HasCalibrationHardwareDevBoolean | Set to true if the required hardware to calibrate the PCT is available inside the DMM. |
CalibrationTypeDevString | Defines which kind of calibration has to be applied. |
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.
2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.