This is historical information of device classes implemented in Pilatus device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released, Release: Release_2_17
Information status: Updated

Class Description

Pilatus detectors are a series pixel detecors build by DECTRIS <br /> <br /> All detectors of this series can talk to the outside world via a socket connection. An ASCI protocol is used on this sockect connection to communicate with the detector. <p> The server process which handles the socket on the detecor PC is called camserver. Only one client can commumicate with camserver. If the native client tvx is connected, the device server cannot connect until tvx gets disconnected. </p>

Families: Acquisition

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp

License: GPL



Manufacturer: none

Bus: Ethernet

Class interface


Name Description
LastImagePathScalar: DevString The last path where an image was written.
ExposureTimeScalar: DevDouble The exposure time for the detector.\nIn the External Enable mode this value is not used by camserver.
ExposurePeriodScalar: DevDouble Controls the exposure period between to images in seconds. \nIt applies only in Internal or External Trigger modes when NbFrames > 1.
NbFramesScalar: DevLong The number of images to acquire when starting the detector
NbExposuresScalar: DevLong The number of exposures per images.\nIt applies only in External Enable mode.
DelayTimeScalar: DevDouble Delay in seconds between the external trigger and the start of image acquisition. \nIt only applies in External Trigger mode
ShutterEnableScalar: DevBoolean Enable the shutter control by the detector.
TriggerModeScalar: DevShort The possible trigger modes for the Pilatus detector are:\n<p>\n 0 = Internal (external signal not used)\n<br />\n 1 = External Enable (count while external trigger line is high, readout on high to low transition)\n <br /> \n 2 = External Trigger (begin acquisition sequence on high to low transition of external trigger line)\n <br /> \n 3 = Multiple External Trigger (high to low transition on external signal triggers a single acquisition for the programmed exposure time)\n</p><p>\nThe 4 modes correspond directly to the camserver \ncommands Exposure, ExtEnable, ExtTrigger, and ExtMTrigger respectively.\n</p></Font>
MXparametersScalar: DevString The crystallographic parameters in the image header.\nPossible parameter names are:\nWavelength, Energy_range, Detector_distance, ... (see\nPilatus manual for a complete list).
UseRamDiskScalar: DevBoolean When true, will force image file to be written to /ramdisk.\nTherefore, attribute FileDir will be ignored.
FileDirScalar: DevString Path to the dector image files.
FilePrefixScalar: DevString The prefix of the image files to be created.\nThe full image file name will be composed as\n<br />\n<b>prefix_number.postfix </b>\n<br />\nwhen acquiring images.
FileStartNumScalar: DevLong The file number used when taking an image.\n<br />\nWhen taking more than one frame, the detector creates\nthe file numbers automatically from this number onwards.\n<p>\nWhen saving multiple images (NImages>1) camserver has its own rules for \ncreating the names of the individual files.\nThe following examples shows the interpretation of the basename.\n</p><p>\nBasename - Files produced\n<br />\ntest6.tif - test6_00000.tif, test6_00001.tif, ...\n<br />\ntest6_.tif - test6_00000.tif, test6_00001.tif, ...\n<br />\ntest6_00008.tif - test6_00008.tif, test6_00009.tif, ...\n<br />\ntest6_2_00035.tif - test6_2_00035.tif, test6_2_00036.tif, ...\n</p>\nThe numbers following the last '_' are taken as a format template, \nand as a start value. \nThe format is also constrained by the requested number of images.
FilePostfixScalar: DevString The Pilatus detector allows the following postfix:\n<br />\n<b>.tif, .edf, .img, .cbf</b>\n<br />\nThe postfix determines the image format for the saved\nimage files.\n<p>\nThe camserver uses the file extension to determine what format to save \nthe files in.\n</p>
LastImageTakenScalar: DevString The name of the last image file written.
EnergyScalar: DevLong Simplified method to set gain and threshold for the\ndetector.\nThe threshold will be set to half the photon energy.\nThe detecor loads the corresponding trim files\nwhen changing the energy.\nModifying the detector setting will take several\nseconds.
ThresholdScalar: DevLong The threshold energy for the detector.\nThe detecor loads the corresponding trim files\nwhen changing the energy threshold.\nThe threshold energy will always be set together with the gain.\nModifying the detector setting will take several\nseconds.
GainScalar: DevShort The gain controls the value of Vrf, which determines the shaping time and gain of\nthe input amplifiers.\nThe allowed gain values for the Pilatus detector are:\n\n 0 = lowG = Fastest shaping time (~125ns) and lowest gain.\n\n 1 = midG = Medium shaping time (~200ns) and medium gain.\n \n 2 = highG = Slow shaping time (~400ns) and high gain.\n \n 3 = uhighG = Slowest peaking time and highest gain.\nThe gain will always be set together with the threshold energy.\nModifying the detector setting will take several\nseconds.
RoIScalar: DevString 0 -- full detector (default)\nC2 -- central 2 modules in 2M, 6M or 12M format\nC12 -- central 12 modules in 2M format\nC18 -- central 18 modules in 6M or 12M format\nL1 -- left central module in 1M format\nL3 -- left central 3 modules in 1M format\nR1 -- right central module in 1M format\nR3 -- right central 3 modules in 1M format


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
State Code
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Status description
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
StartStandardAcqInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Start an acquisition with the propositioned parameters
StopAcqInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Stop the acquisition. This works only for multi images acquisitions. A single image acquisition will always finish.
ResetInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Reset a state
MXsettingsInput: DevString
The input string must be in the form:\n\n[parm_name value] [parm_name value] ...\n\nPossible parameter names are: Wavelength, Energy_range, Detector_distance, ...\n(see Pilatus manual for a complete list).
Output: DevVoid
Set crystallographic parameters in the image header.



Name Description
SocketDeviceDevString The name of the Tango socket device to use for the connection with the camserver process of the detector.
UseOldProtocolDevBoolean If this property is set true, the device server will use an old camserver command enumeration. <p> In this case the Send command will have the value 13 instead of 15 in recent command sets. </p>
SetRoIEnabledDevLong 1 if the posibility of setting RoIs is enabled for this detector.
SimulationModeDevULong 1: device is simulated, 0: NOT

23 Jul 2022, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:23 Jul 2022, 2:53 a.m.