This is historical information of device classes implemented in Peem device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: New development
Information status: New


Class Description

Device Server for access to the PEEM SW (Leem2000 and U-view) It will use a DCOM communication.

Families: Miscellaneous

Key words:

Platform: Windows

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: none

Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
NrModulesScalar: DevLong Gets the number of implemented modules, power supply and others.
PresetLabelScalar: DevString Returns the name of the currently active preset.
Leem2000VersionScalar: DevFloat Version + SubVersion*0.001
InitDoneScalar: DevBoolean Tells the calling script that all LEEM startup tasks have been completed.
SpinScalar: DevShort set and read spin. LEEM with spingun only
FolderForImageScalar: DevString
AcquisitionInProgressScalar: DevBoolean Get/Set the current state of image acquisition. True: acquisition in progress. False: image ready. If you set it to True, acquisition starts.
CameraExpTimeScalar: DevDouble


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
State Code
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Status description
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
ChangePSValueInput: DevVarFloatArray
Comma separated list of arguments: 1. Index (must be a integer) 2. deltaValue (float value)
Output: DevShort
Modify the value (current, temperature etc.) of a module.
GetPSValueInput: DevUShort
Output: DevFloat
Get the value (current, temperature, etc) of a module.
GetValueFromModuleInput: DevString
name: name of module as it appears in the LEEM window.
Output: ConstDevString
Stringified value of module if ok. Error messages: leem2000 get
Get a value from module by name. Implemented for compatibility purposes with previous CORBA interface.
SetPSValueInput: DevVarDoubleArray
Output: DevVoid
Set the value (current, temperature, etc) of a module.
SetValueToModuleInput: DevVarStringArray
name: name of module as it appears in the LEEM window value: pointer to variant, value->vt is set to VT_R4 on return and value->fltVal contains the value of the module on return
Output: DevString
TRUE`` if ok Error messages: leem2000 set
Get a value from module by name. Implemented for compatibility purposes with previous CORBA interface
GetPSMnemonicInput: DevShort
Index for the power supply
Output: ConstDevString
Abbreviation for the specified power supply.
Get the abbreviation for the specified power supply. This abbreviation is used for image sequencing.
GetPSNameInput: DevShort
Index of the module.
Output: ConstDevString
Get the name of a module.
GetPSUnitInput: DevShort
Output: DevString
Units of a module
Get the units of a module.
PSLimitLowInput: DevShort
Index of a module
Output: DevFloat
Low limit of a module
Gets low limit of a module.
GetPSLimitHighInput: DevShort
Output: DevFloat
High limit of a module
Gets high limit of a module.
GetMicrometerValueInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVarFloatArray
1. xcoord 2. ycoord
Reads micrometers.
ReadGaugeInput: DevShort
id= gauge id, possible values 1,2,3,4
Output: DevFloat
Reads value (pressure) from vacuum gauge.
ReadGaugeLabelInput: DevShort
id= gauge id, possible values 1,2,3,4
Output: DevString
Reads label assigned to respective vacuum gauge in LEEM program.
ReadGaugeUnitInput: DevShort
id= gauge id, possible values 1,2,3,4
Output: DevString
Reads units of specified vacuum gauge in LEEM program
GetChangedModulesInput: DevVarFloatArray
The safearray is an array of float with twice the number of elements as returned by GetChangedModules: changeddata[n]: index of power supply module, -1 last entry, no more supplies follow changeddata[n+1]: value of that indexed power supply n=0 .. 2x nr of changed modules as returned by GetChangedModules
Output: DevShort
Returns 0 if no change, return 1-3 if 1,2 or 3 supplies have changed returns <0 if internal error occured (i.e. allocation of safearray). A maximum of 3 is returned.
Checks if any of the power supply values have been changed since last call to this method.
SelectPresetInput: DevVarStringArray
Comma separated arguments: 1. group: A or B 2. name: label of preset as in LEEM2000
Output: DevShort
Returns: 0 if successful -2: no such group found -3: no such name for preset found
to remotely select a set of LEEM power supply presets
SetPhiInput: DevFloat
Output: DevLong
Sets phi of the SpinGun supply. LEEM with spingun only
ShutdownLEEMInput: DevShort
mode: currently not used, set to 0
Output: DevShort
Remotely shut down LEEM2000 including forced slow rampdown of all power supplies (despite of any selection of ``Slow Shutdown``). Possible use: Uninterruptable Power Supply calls this after power failure.
ExportParametersInput: DevString
fullfilename: path and filename including 3 letter file type extension
Output: DevShort
Save all power supply settings to a text file. This file can subsequently be loaded by the ImportParameters method.
ImportParametersInput: DevString
fullfilename: path and filename including 3 letter file type extension
Output: DevShort
Load power supply settings from a text file saved previously by the ExportParameter method. Settings assumed to be from the same microscope.
AcquireSimpleImageInput: DevShort
ImageID: Especifies in which image window to collect.
Output: DevVoid
Start acquiring a single image
ExportImageInput: DevVarStringArray
Comma separated arguments: Filename,Format,Imagecontents Filename: Windows compliant file-name without extension. Format: 0: DAT (generic) Imagecontents: ignored, set to 0 1: PNG Imagecontents: 0: RGB(8+8+8),x,y,z as seen on screen 1: RGB(8+8+8),x,y raw,z as seen on screen 2: 16bit GRAYLEVEL, x,y,z raw data 2: TIFF Imagecontents: 0: RGB(8+8+8),x,y,z as seen on screen 1: RGB(8+8+8),x,y raw,z as seen on screen 3: BMP Imagecontents: 0: RGB(8+8+8),x,y,z as seen on screen 1: RGB(8+8+8),x,y raw,z as seen on screen 4: JPG quality as set in `Save As Dialog` in Uview Imagecontents: 0: RGB(8+8+8),x,y,z as seen on screen 5: TIFF Imagecontents: ignored, set to 0
Output: DevVoid
Saves the current image to a file of the choosen format.



23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:19 Jan 2017, 10:34 a.m.