This is historical information of device classes implemented in Mythen device server.
Use this link to find the valid information.
Development status:
Information status: Updated
Class Description
Device server for the Mythen detector.
Families: Acquisition
Key words:
Platform: Unix Like
Language: Cpp
Manufacturer: PSI
Bus: Data Socket
Class interface
Name | Description |
OnlineScalar: DevShort | Detector is Online (1) or Offline (0). |
ConfigFileScalar: DevString | The name of the configuration file. |
ParameterFileScalar: DevString | File containing the main detector parameters for the\nmeasurement. |
SetupFileScalar: DevString | This is the root of the filename for the complete detector\nsetup (including configuration, trimbits, flat field\ncoefficients, badchannels etc.). The extension is\nautomatically generated. |
CalibrationDirScalar: DevString | The path of the calibration files. |
TrimDirScalar: DevString | The path of the trim files. |
TrimEnergiesScalar: DevString | The number of energies for which trimbit files exist\nand their value.\nString format: nen [e0 e1...en] |
OutDirScalar: DevString | The directory to which the files will be written by default. |
OutFileNameScalar: DevString | The filename to which the files will be written by default\n(to which file and position indexes will eventually be\nattached). |
OutFileIndexScalar: DevLong | The start index of the output files (automatically\nincremented by the acquisition functions). |
EnableMergeScalar: DevBoolean | Set to 'true' to enable merging of frames to a single image. Otherwise\nthey will be kept in OutDir. |
MinFramesScalar: DevShort | If less than MinFrames frames are acquired, they are not merged in a\nsingle image, but just moved to MergeDir. |
MergeDirScalar: DevString | The directory to which the frames will be merged (or just moved). |
MergeOngoingScalar: DevBoolean | This flag is 'true' when a merging is ongoing. |
NMaxModulesScalar: DevShort | The maximum number of detector modules. |
NModulesScalar: DevShort | — |
SettingsScalar: DevString | Detector settings. Can be:\n uninitialised\n standard\n fast\n highgain |
ThresholdScalar: DevShort | Detector threshold in eV.\nShould be half of the beam energy.\nIt is precise only if the detector is calibrated.\n |
ExposureTimeScalar: DevFloat | The exposure time per frame (in s). |
FramePeriodScalar: DevFloat | The frame period (in s). |
DelayAfterTrgScalar: DevFloat | The delay after trigger (in s). |
GatesPerFrameScalar: DevShort | The number of gates per frame. |
FramesPerCycleScalar: DevLong | The number of frames per cycle (e.g. after each trigger). |
NCyclesScalar: DevShort | The number of cycles (e.g. number of triggers). |
NProbesScalar: DevShort | The number of probes to accumulate (max 3). |
DynamicRangeScalar: DevShort | The dynamic range - can be 1, 4, 8,16 or 24 bits. |
FlagsScalar: DevString | Readout flags - can be none or storeinram. |
ThreadedScalar: DevShort | This tells whether the postprocessing and file writing of\nthe data is done in a separate thread (0 sequencial,\n1 threaded). Check that it is set to 1 if you acquire\nlong real time measurements and/or use the storeinram\noption otherwise you risk to lose your data. |
TrimModeScalar: DevString | Trims the detector and writes the trimfile.\nMode can be:noise, beam, improve, fix, offline.\nCheck that the start conditions are OK!!! |
TrimFileScalar: DevString | Name of trimfile (without extension .snxx).\nCheck that the start conditions are OK!!! |
FlatFieldEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | True when the flat field corrections are enabled. |
FlatFieldFileNameScalar: DevString | File containing the flat field corrections. |
RateCorrEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | True when the rate corrections are enabled. |
RateCorrDefaultScalar: DevBoolean | True when using default rate corrections. |
RateCorrDeadTimeScalar: DevFloat | The dead time used for rate corrections. |
BadChannelsEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | True when the the bad channels corrections are enabled. |
BadChannelsFileNameScalar: DevString | File containing the definition of the bad channels. |
AngConvEnabledScalar: DevBoolean | True when the the angular conversion is enabled. |
AngConvFileNameScalar: DevString | File containing the definition of the angular conversion\ncoefficients. |
GlobalOffsetScalar: DevFloat | The fixed angular offset of your encoder -\nshould be almost constant! |
FineOffsetScalar: DevFloat | A possible angular offset of your setup -\nshould be small but can be senseful to modify. |
BinSizeScalar: DevFloat | The binning size of the angular conversion. |
PositionsScalar: DevString | The number of positions at which the detector is moved\nduring the acquisition and their values.\nString format: np [pos0 pos1...posnp] |
ModuleSerialNumberScalar: DevString | The module serial number(s). |
ModuleFirmwareVersionScalar: DevLong64 | The module firmware version. |
DetectorSerialNumberScalar: DevLong64 | The detector serial number (MAC address). |
DetectorFirmwareVersionScalar: DevLong64 | The detector firmware version. |
DetectorSoftwareVersionScalar: DevLong64 | The detector software version. |
MythenSoftwareVersionScalar: DevLong64 | The mythen software version. |
DigitalTestResultScalar: DevString | Result of the Digital Test(s):\n0 test passed |
BusTestResultScalar: DevString | Result of the Bus Test:\n0 test passed\n |
ExtSigResultScalar: DevString | Result of the ExtSig Command.\n |
DataSpectrum: DevULong | Last image data. |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State State Code |
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: ConstDevString Status description |
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
RefreshInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Read all values and configurations, and update the values shown to the user. |
StartAcquisitionInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Start the acquisition. |
StopAcquisitionInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Stop the acquisition. |
ResetInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Restart the mythen host. |
GetDataInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Get all data from the detector (if any), process them and write them to file according to the preferences already setup. In principle the method is not needed (when using StartAcquisition the files are written automatically to disk). |
GetFrameInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Get a single frame from the detector (if any), processe it and write it to file according to the preferences already setup. In principle the method is not needed (when using StartAcquisition the files are written automatically to disk). |
SetConfigInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Read the configuration file and set the values. |
GetConfigInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Write the configurations to file. |
SetParametersInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Read the detector parameters from file and set them. |
GetParametersInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Write the main detector parameters to file. |
ReadSetupFromFileInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Read the files specified (and that could be created by get setup) and reset the complete detector configuration including flatfield corrections, badchannels, trimbits etc. |
SaveSetupToFileInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Writes the complete detector setup (including configuration, trimbits, flat field coefficients, Write the complete detector setup (including configuration, trimbits, flat field coefficients, badchannels etc.) in a set of files for which the extension is automatically generated. |
ExtSigGetInput: DevShort Index of the external digital signal Output: DevString Usage of the external digital signal |
Get usage of the external digital signal i. |
ExtSigSetInput: DevString Index of the external digital signal and mode (eg: 1 off) Output: DevString Usage of the external digital signal |
Set usage of the external digital signal i. |
RunDigitalTestInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Make a digital test of the detector. Return 0 if it succeeds. |
RunBusTestInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Make a test of the detector bus. Return 0 if it succeeds. |
WriteTrimFileInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Trim the detector and write the trimfile. |
GetFlatFieldCorrectionsInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Write the flat field corrections to file. |
GetBadChannelsInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Write the bad channels to file. |
GetAngularConversionsInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Write the angular conversion coefficients to file. |
Name | Description |
HostnameDevString | — |
PortDevShort | The detector port. |
DetectorIdDevShort | The detector ID. |
SimulationModeDevShort | 0 real mode, 1 simulation mode. |
23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
A device class has been added.
You can see previous version here .
23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.
19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
A device class has been added.
You can see previous version here .
23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.
19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2
on:19 Jan 2017, 10:32 a.m.