Development status:
Release: Release_1_4
Information status: Updated
Class Description
Tango device server for Cryogenic Ltd 6/2/2 magnet used at DESY, PETRA3, Beamline P01
Families: MagneticDevices
Key words:
Platform: Unix Like
Language: Cpp
License: GPL
Manufacturer: Cryogenic Ltd
Bus: Ethernet
Class interface
Name | Description |
TargetYFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble | write / read the value of the Target Y field in Tesla |
YFieldRampRateScalar: DevDouble | write / read the Y field Ramp rate, in units of A/s |
PhiTargetScalar: DevDouble | Get/set the target phi angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode |
ThetaTargetScalar: DevDouble | Get/set the target theta angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode. (Commands VM_setTargetTheta / VM_getTargetTheta) |
TemperatureTargetScalar: DevDouble | write / read the target needle valve cell temperature |
Output1TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble | read / write the target temperature for output 1 |
Output2TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble | read / write the target temperature for output 2 |
Output3TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble | read / write the target temperature for output 3 |
Output4TargetTemperatureScalar: DevDouble | read / write the target temperature for output 4 |
SensorAScalar: DevDouble | read / write the value for sensor A |
SensorBScalar: DevDouble | read / write the value for sensor B |
SensorCScalar: DevDouble | read / write the value for sensor C |
SensorDScalar: DevDouble | read / write the value for sensor D |
CoordinateSystemScalar: DevBoolean | write / read the coordinate to either Cartesian (0) or Spherical (1) |
TimeToTargetScalar: DevDouble | Get the time to target in units of seconds |
PathCalculationTypeScalar: DevLong | write the Path Calculation Type. (0) Calculate by time, (1) Calculate by Ramp rate |
PersistentModeScalar: DevBoolean | write / read the magnet persistent mode (true = on, false = off) |
RotationDirectionScalar: DevLong | write / read the rotation direction if coordinate system is in Spherical mode 0 = anticlockwise, 1= clockwise |
RotationAxisTypeScalar: DevLong | write / read the rotation axis type. If Z-axis (2) then the rotation will be about Z. if AxB (3) then it would rotate about the axis that is perpendicular to the initial and final vector. |
MagnetReadyScalar: DevBoolean | read the ready status of the Vector Magnet(true = ready, false = not ready) If it is not ready then do not perform any path calculation or ramp. |
RampTimeScalar: DevDouble | write / read the ramp time needed if Path calculation type (PathCalculationType) is set to calculate by time. |
ThetaScalar: DevDouble | read the theta angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode. |
XFieldAmpsScalar: DevDouble | read the value of the X field in Amps |
XFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble | read the value of the X field in Tesla |
TargetXFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble | write / read the value of the Target X field in Tesla |
XFieldRampRateScalar: DevDouble | write / read the X field Ramp rate, in units of A/s |
YFieldAmpsScalar: DevDouble | read the value of the Y field in Amps |
YFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble | read the value of the Y field in Tesla |
ZFieldAmpsScalar: DevDouble | read the value of the Z field in Amps |
ZFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble | read the value of the Z field in Tesla |
ZFieldRampRateScalar: DevDouble | write / read the Z field Ramp rate, in units of A/s |
TargetZFieldTeslaScalar: DevDouble | write / read the value of the Target Z field in Tesla |
MotorAngleScalar: DevDouble | write / read the angle of the rotation motor |
MotorHeightScalar: DevDouble | write / read the height of the vertical motor |
MotionStatusScalar: DevLong | read the motion status of motors. 0 = No motion 1 = Vertical motion 2 = Rotation motion |
HeightAtTargetScalar: DevBoolean | check whether height is at target position true = yes false = no |
RotationAtTargetScalar: DevBoolean | check whether rotation is at target position true = yes false = no |
TemperatureScalar: DevDouble | read the temperature of the needle valve cell |
PressureScalar: DevDouble | read the the pressure |
DumpPressureScalar: DevDouble | read the dump pressure |
OutputPowerScalar: DevDouble | read the output power |
MagneticFieldScalar: DevDouble | read the magnitude of the magnetic field, used in Spherical mode |
MagneticFieldTargetScalar: DevDouble | write / read the magnitude of the target magnetic field, used in Spherical mode |
PhiAngleScalar: DevDouble | Get the phi angle of the magnetic field (B), used in Spherical mode |
UserRotationAngleScalar: DevDouble | write / read the user rotation angle |
ControllerStatusScalar: DevString | Display the current status message in the Status field at the bottom of the Temperature Control window on the Windows PC |
TemperaturesSpectrum: DevDouble | Returns a list of temperature sensor values in the order shown in the Temperature Monitor. |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State Device state |
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: ConstDevString Device status |
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller. |
CalculatePathInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Calculates the path to ramp to target |
AbortRampInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Aborts ramp or path calculation |
SetPersistentInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Set the magnet into persistent mode |
StartRampInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Ramp the Magnet to target |
StopMotorsInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Stop all motors from moving |
Name | Description |
HostNameDevString | Name / IP address of controller PC |
PortNumberDevString | Port number of service on controller PC |
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