This is historical information of device classes implemented in GreatEyesGEVAC2048 device server.
Use this link to find the valid information.
Development status:
New development
Information status: Updated
Class Description
Class for controlling the in-vacuum CCD camera model GE-VAC 2048 2048 BI from GreatEyes
Families: Acquisition
Key words:
Platform: Unix Like
Language: Cpp
License: GPL
Manufacturer: GreatEyes
GE-VAC 2048 2048 BI
Bus: USB
Class interface
Name | Description |
ReadoutSpeedScalar: DevLong | Set readout speed. Read last set value. Sets pixel clock to [0..6] 0 -> 1 MHz 3 -> 3 MHz 5 -> 500 kHz 6 -> 50 kHz |
ExposureTimeScalar: DevDouble | Set exposure time, read last set value. |
BinningXScalar: DevLong | Number of pixels [1...numPixelInX] to be binned in x-direction (if supported by CCD). 0 -> no binning |
BinningYScalar: DevLong | Number of pixels [1...numPixelInY] to be binned in y-direction. 0 -> no binning |
GainScalar: DevLong | 0 -> Low ( Max. Dyn. Range ) 1 -> Std ( High Sensitivity ) |
CapacityModeScalar: DevLong | 0 -> Standard ( Low Noise ) 1 -> Extended ( High Signal ) |
CropModeXScalar: DevLong | Number of columns to readout |
CropModeYScalar: DevLong | Number of lines to readout |
CropModeScalar: DevLong | 1 -> active |
CoolingTemperatureLevelScalar: DevLong | Adjust temperature of CCD sensoR |
CoolingOffOnScalar: DevLong | Switch temperature control off/on (0/1) |
SensorTemperatureScalar: DevLong | — |
BacksideTemperatureScalar: DevLong | — |
FileDirScalar: DevString | Path to the dector image files. |
FilePrefixScalar: DevString | The prefix of the image files to be created. The full image file name will be composed as <br /> <b>prefix_number.postfix </b> <br /> when acquiring images. |
FileStartNumScalar: DevLong | The file number used when saviing an image. |
BiasCorrectionScalar: DevLong | 0 -> disable, 1->enable |
SyncOutputScalar: DevLong | 1 -> Sets the “SYNC” TTL trigger output to TTL high level. 0 -> Sets the “SYNC” TTL trigger output to TTL low level. |
OpenShutterScalar: DevLong | 0 -> close 1 -> open 2 -> auto shutter |
ShutterOpenTimeScalar: DevDouble | Time to wait before the start of the exposure to ensure that the shutter is fully opened. |
ShutterCloseTimeScalar: DevDouble | Time to wait after exposure and before starting the readout to ensure that the shutter is fully closed. |
SyncOutputEnabledScalar: DevLong | 0 -> sync-output disabled 1 -> sync-output enabled |
ShutterControlEnabledScalar: DevLong | 0 -> shutter control disabled 1 -> shutter control enabled |
TriggerModeScalar: DevLong | 0 -> internally triggered |
TriggerTimeoutScalar: DevFloat | Trigger timeout in seconds. Only used if trigger mode is 1 |
LastSavedImageScalar: DevString | Complete path of the last saved image |
SaveImageFilesScalar: DevLong | If 0 image files are not saved |
ImageImage: DevUShort | — |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State Device state |
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: ConstDevString Device status |
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StartAcqInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Start acquisition |
StopAcqInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Stop acquisition |
PrepareAcqInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Update settings. Automatically called if settings have been changed and StartAcq is called before preparing the acquisition. |
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8 Aug 2020, DS Admin
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1 Aug 2020, DS Admin
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25 Jul 2020, DS Admin
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18 Jul 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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11 Jul 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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4 Jul 2020, DS Admin
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27 Jun 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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20 Jun 2020, DS Admin
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13 Jun 2020, DS Admin
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6 Jun 2020, DS Admin
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30 May 2020, DS Admin
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30 May 2020, DS Admin
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23 May 2020, DS Admin
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16 May 2020, DS Admin
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9 May 2020, DS Admin
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2 May 2020, DS Admin
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25 Apr 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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18 Apr 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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11 Apr 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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4 Apr 2020, DS Admin
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28 Mar 2020, DS Admin
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21 Mar 2020, DS Admin
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14 Mar 2020, DS Admin
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7 Mar 2020, DS Admin
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29 Feb 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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22 Feb 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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15 Feb 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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8 Feb 2020, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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1 Feb 2020, DS Admin
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22 May 2019, DS Admin
The device class has been updated.
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9 Feb 2019, DS Admin
The device class has been added to catalogue.