Development status:
Release: Release_1_1
Information status: Updated
Class Description
Class for controlling the Power Supply of Delta Elektronka SM 70-22.
Families: PowerSupply
Key words:
Platform: Unix Like
Language: Cpp
Manufacturer: Delta Elektronika
Bus: Ethernet
Class interface
Name | Description |
EmissionCurrentScalar: DevDouble | Electron emission current. Set to 0 for turning the filament off. |
CMEBiasVoltageScalar: DevLong | Electron multiplier bias high voltage. If set to 0, it turns off the Electron Multiplier and enable Faraday Cup detection. |
NoiseFloorScalar: DevLong | Electrometer's Noise-floor. Set the rate and detection limit for ion current measurements. |
FinalMassScalar: DevLong | Final Mass value for Analog and Histogram scans. |
InitialMassScalar: DevLong | Initial mass value for Analog and Histogram scans. |
SingleMeasurementOutputScalar: DevLong | Ion current from a measurement |
StepsPerAmuScalar: DevLong | Number of steps executed per amu for analog scan. |
TotalIonCurrentScalar: DevDouble | Total ion current measured at the end of each scan. |
IonCurrentsSpectrum: DevLong | Ion currents from scan. |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State Device state |
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: ConstDevString Device status |
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller. |
WriteReadSocketInput: DevString Output: DevString |
Write to the socket and get answer. |
InitHardwareInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Initialize communications and check the ECU hardware. |
SwitchOffInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Initialize communications and ECU hardware, reset the RGA to its factory default settings, turns off the filament and the CDEM. |
SingleMassMeasurementInput: DevLong Mass setting (mass to charge ratio in amu units) Possible values: 1-200. If 0, the RF/DC voltages are completely shut down and not measurement is performed (no ion current is transmitted back), use it at the end of a set of single mass measurements to make sure the RF/DC are completely turn off. Output: DevVoid |
Performs a single mass measurement at a mass setting given as argument. The otuput will be written in the attribute: SingleMeasuremetOutput. |
StartMultipleScansInput: DevLong Number of scans. Output: DevVoid |
Execute one of multiple analog scans under the present scan conditions. |
StopScanningInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Stop continuos or serie of scans. |
Name | Description |
PortNbDevLong | Port Number for connecting to the power supply |
HostnameDevString | Hostname of the power supply. |
SimulationModeDevULong | 0 -> real mode, 1 -> simulation mode |
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