This is historical information of device classes implemented in MKS651C device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released
Information status: Updated

Class Description

Tango server for MKS 651 C Digital/Analog Pressure Controller

Families: Instrumentation

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: MKS Instruments


Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
SoftStartEScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of set point E, value is % of full speed
SoftStartAnalogueScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of analog set point, value is % of full speed
SoftStartValveOpenScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of open valve, value is % of full speed
SoftStartValveCloseScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of close valve, value is % of full speed
ProcessLimit1LowScalar: DevDouble low threshold process limit 1 unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
SetPointAScalar: DevDouble Set point A value unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
AbsoluteValuesScalar: DevBoolean The controller returns values for presssure settings (pressure, setpoint, process limit) in % of full range. If you want the real values calculated set this to true.
SetPointBScalar: DevDouble Set point B value unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
SetPointCScalar: DevDouble Set point C value unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
SetPointDScalar: DevDouble Set point D value unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
SetPointEScalar: DevDouble Set point E value unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
SetPointAnalogueScalar: DevDouble Analogue set point A value unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
SelectedSetPointScalar: DevUShort Selected setpoint: 0 = analogue 1 = A 2 = B 3 = C 4 = D 5 = E
UnitScalar: DevUShort Pressure Unit: 0 = Torr 1 = mTorr 2 = mbar 3 = nbar 4 = kPa 5 = Pa 6 = cmH2O 7 = inH2O This just changes the unit sign displayed on the device. Check / set SensorPressureRange value as well.
SensorPressureRangeScalar: DevUShort Sensor pressure range: 0 = 0.1 1 = 0.2 2 = 0.5 3 = 1.0 4 = 2.0 5 = 5.0 6 = 10.0 7 = 50.0 8 = 100.0 9 = 500.0 10 = 1000.0 11 = 5000.0 12 = 10000.0 13 = 1.33 14 = 2.66 15 = 13.33 16 = 133.3 17 = 1333.0 18 = 6666.0 19 = 13332.0
SensorVoltageRangeScalar: DevUShort Sensor voltage range: 0 = 1 V 1 = 5 V 2 = 10 V
ValveStateScalar: DevUShort Valve State: 0 = open 1 = close 2 = stop
SoftStartAScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of set point A, value is % of full speed
SoftStartBScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of set point B, value is % of full speed
SoftStartCScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of set point C, value is % of full speed
SoftStartDScalar: DevDouble softstart rate of set point D, value is % of full speed
ProcessLimit1HighScalar: DevDouble high threshold process limit 1 unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
ProcessLimit2LowScalar: DevDouble low threshold process limit 2 unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
ProcessLimit2HighScalar: DevDouble high threshold process limit 2 unit depends on AbsoluteValues setting: if true, value is pressure if false, value is % of full scale range
AnalogueSetPointRangeScalar: DevUShort Sensor pressure range: 0 = 0.1 1 = 0.2 2 = 0.5 3 = 1.0 4 = 2.0 5 = 5.0 6 = 10.0 7 = 50.0 8 = 100.0 9 = 500.0 10 = 1000.0 11 = 5000.0 12 = 10000.0 13 = 1.33 14 = 2.66 15 = 13.33 16 = 133.3 17 = 1333.0 18 = 6666.0 19 = 13332.0
SetPointAnalogueTypeScalar: DevUShort Set point A type where value is: 0 = position 1 = pressure
SetPointBTypeScalar: DevUShort Set point A type where value is: 0 = position 1 = pressure
SetPointCTypeScalar: DevUShort Set point A type where value is: 0 = position 1 = pressure
SetPointDTypeScalar: DevUShort Set point A type where value is: 0 = position 1 = pressure
SetPointETypeScalar: DevUShort Set point A type where value is: 0 = position 1 = pressure
SetPointATypeScalar: DevUShort Set point A type where value is: 0 = position 1 = pressure
ValvePositionOutputRangeScalar: DevUShort Valve position output range: 0 = 5 V 1 = 10 V
DirectReverseControlScalar: DevUShort Direct / Reverse control: 0 = direct 1 = reverse
SensorTypeScalar: DevUShort Sensor type: 0 = absolut 1 = differential
LeadAScalar: DevDouble Lead for Setpoint A
GainAScalar: DevDouble gain of Setpoint A, where value = % gain
LeadBScalar: DevDouble Lead for SetpointB
LeadCScalar: DevDouble Lead for Setpoint C
LeadDScalar: DevDouble Lead for Setpoint D
LeadEScalar: DevDouble Lead for Setpoint E
GainBScalar: DevDouble gain of Setpoint B, where value = % gain
GainCScalar: DevDouble gain of SetpointC, where value = % gain
GainDScalar: DevDouble gain of SetpointD, where value = % gain
GainEScalar: DevDouble gain of Setpoint E, where value = % gain
ControlTypeScalar: DevBoolean Control type: 0 = self-tuning 1 = PID
ValveOnPowerFailScalar: DevUShort Behaviour of valve on power failure: 0 = option not activated or installed 1 = valve opens on power failure 2 = valve closes on power failure
ValveTypeScalar: DevUShort Sensor type: 0 = absolut 1 = differential
PressureScalar: DevDouble
ValvePositionScalar: DevDouble


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
Device state
This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Device status
This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller.
LearnInput: DevBoolean
Output: DevVoid
With input `true` : start the learning procedure With input `false` : stop the learning procedure Normally the learning procedure should not be stopped explicitly. The device state will change from `ON` to `RUNNING`` when the learning procedure is started and back to `ON` when the controller reports learning as done.
SetOffsetInput: DevDouble
zero value (in % of full scale pressure) if arg = 0, command Z1 will be called, otherwise command Z2
Output: DevVoid
Zero the sensor (correct offset)
RemoveOffsetInput: DevVoid
Output: DevVoid
Remove any sensor offset



Name Description
HostNameDevString host name / ip address of terminal server
PortNumberDevUShort port number of terminal server
DeviceFileDevString tty device file if connected via RS232
BaudRateDevULong baud rate if connected via RS232
ConnectTypeDevString `net` or `serial`

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:23 Feb 2017, 10:55 a.m.