This is historical information of device classes implemented in Spk device server.
Use this link to find the valid information.
Development status:
Information status: Updated
Class Description
the interface to the large offset monochromator motors
Families: Motion
Key words:
Platform: Unix Like
Language: Cpp
Manufacturer: none
Bus: Not Applicable
Class interface
Name | Description |
CwLimitScalar: DevLong | CW limit status, hardware |
CcwLimitScalar: DevLong | CCW limit status, hardware |
UnitLimitMaxScalar: DevDouble | software limit, rw |
UnitLimitMinScalar: DevDouble | software limit, rw |
SettleTimeScalar: DevDouble | Online sleeps SettleTime seconds after each move |
FlagProtectedScalar: DevLong | if 1, no write operations to the server are allowed |
FlagMotorReadyScalar: DevLong | OmsVme58 compatibility feature |
StepPositionControllerScalar: DevLong | compatibility feature |
StepPositionInternalScalar: DevLong | — |
SlewRateScalar: DevLong | compatibility feature |
UnitBacklashScalar: DevDouble | if > 0, the backlash is done when goind down |
PositionScalar: DevDouble | — |
HomePositionScalar: DevDouble | Setting the offset effectively sets the home position,\nmaintained by the PLC - no need to memorize |
FlagEncoderHomedScalar: DevLong | 1, if the encoder was homed |
FlagEncoderHomeDefinedScalar: DevLong | always 1 |
CurrentUnitPositionScalar: DevDouble | obsolete, use Position instead |
ErrorCodeScalar: DevLong | the error code\n0 no error\n1 emergency power off\n2 unexpected limit switch\n3 at a limit during power-on\n4 both limits\n5 homing blocked by limit switch\n6 wrong limit during homing\n7 schlupf more than 1 mm\n8 inconsistent limits\n9 hardware error, motor\n10 hardware error, encoder |
ConversionFactorScalar: DevDouble | the factor is used to convert the PLC positions to \nphysical quantities, pos = PlcUnits*convFactor/1000. \n'1000' because the PLC measures the position in microns. |
IgnoreLimitsScalar: DevLong | if set, the limit switches are ignored |
PositionSetPointScalar: DevDouble | stores the setpoint |
UnitLimitMaxHWScalar: DevDouble | the hardware limit, in units, conversion and home position\nare taken into account, ro |
UnitLimitMinHWScalar: DevDouble | the hardware limit, in unit, conversion and home position\nare taken into account, ro |
EncoderOffsetScalar: DevDouble | in micrometer, posPLC = Encoder + HomePosition + EncoderOffset, \npos = posPLC/1000*conversion |
Name | Description |
StateInput: DevVoid Output: State State Code |
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
StatusInput: DevVoid Output: ConstDevString Status description |
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller. |
CompleteMoveInput: DevVoid Output: DevLong return status of execution |
It no action |
SetupUnitMoveInput: DevDouble final position, in units Output: DevLong completion status |
prepares a move, calulates the new step position from the argument, the calibration value and the conversion factor, takes backlash into account, sets FlagMotorReady |
StartMoveInput: DevVoid Output: DevLong completion status |
a motor with FlagMotorReady == 1 is started, the function returns immediately, Better: move a motor by writing to Position attribute |
StopMoveInput: DevVoid Output: DevLong completion status |
stop a movement, return immediately, don't wait for de-acceleation, don't do backlash |
MoveInput: DevDouble Final position, in units Output: DevLong Completion status |
Setup motor, start move, complete move. Better: move a motor by writing to the 'Position' attribute |
ResetMotorInput: DevVoid Output: DevLong Completion status |
Sets and clears the 'Reinitialisierung'-Bit |
CalibrateInput: DevDouble Value to be calibrated Output: DevLong Completion status |
Calibrate the motor: current position is calibrated to be the value given as an argument, changes the home position |
UserCalibrateInput: DevDouble Value to be calibrated Output: DevLong Completion status |
Uses an user calibration for calibrating the motor keeping the general one. |
CheckMoveInput: DevVoid Output: DevLong |
returns MOVING or ON |
GetStepPositionInput: DevVoid Output: DevLong |
— |
MoveHomeInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
Start the homing procedure |
ClearErrorInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
resets the errors |
SaveEncoderOffsetInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
saves the encoder offset |
LoadEncoderOffsetInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
loads the encoder offset |
CalibrateEncoderInput: DevDouble Value to be calibrated Output: DevLong Completion status |
changes the encoder offset |
ResetLimitPositionsInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
resets the PLC limit positions |
ClearLimitPositionsInput: DevVoid Output: DevVoid |
If limts are hit, the SPS memorized the positions and uses the value as a hardware limit. This command restores the default hardware limits. |
Name | Description |
PlcServerDevString | the server which exports the SPK PLC |
ChannelDevLong | the channel selects the motor, the first motor starts at offset 512, the next motor at 512 + 256 |
SimulationModeDevULong | 0 real mode, 1 simulation mode |
FlagUseCollisionsSensorDevLong | Set to 1 for using CollisionsSensor Server for checking possible collisions |
CollisionsSensorDSDevString | Name of the CollisionsSensor Device Server to be connected to. |
CollisionsSensorBLDevString | Beamline identification as string, needs for sending to CollisionsSensor. |
b"\nthis server controls a Beckhoff PLC the steers 4 axes\n\nit depends on the ADS class\n\nit creates the Spk and Slt servers, they are identical\n\nFor DESY\n\n to make a new release: \n\n - edit Makefile to set a new version number and say 'make tag'\n\n to update an existing release\n\n - copy the relevant files to the release directory and commit it\n\n"
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.
19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .
2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.