This is historical information of device classes implemented in IK220 device server.

Use this link to find the valid information.

Development status: Released
Information status: Updated

Class Description

Class for encoder talking to IK220 PCI card of Heidenhain

Families: Instrumentation

Key words:

Platform: Unix Like

Language: Cpp




Manufacturer: none

Bus: Not Applicable

Class interface


Name Description
PositionScalar: DevDouble Calculated position from encoder
OffsetScalar: DevDouble Offset for position calculation
ConversionScalar: DevDouble Conversion factor for position calculation
StatusPortScalar: DevLong
P1Scalar: DevLong 0: Incremental encoder (default)\n1: EnDat encoder\n2: SSI encoder
P2Scalar: DevLong 0: 11 muApp (current measurement)\n1: 1 Vpp (voltage measurement) (default)
P3Scalar: DevLong 0: Linear axis\n1: Angular axis +/- infinite
P4Scalar: DevLong 0: Positive counting direction\n1: Negative counting direction
P5Scalar: DevLong 0 to 0xffffffff: Signal periods/revolution for angular\naxes, effective only if parameter 3 = 1, Default value 0
P6Scalar: DevLong 0: Single REF mark (default)\n500: distance-coded REF marks. Fixed interval 500 x GP\n1000: distance-coded REF marks. Fixed interval 1000 x GP\n2000: distance-coded REF marks. Fixed interval 2000 x GP\n5000: distance-coded REF marks. Fixed interval 5000 x GP
P7Scalar: DevLong 0 to 12: Number of interpolation bits (default 12)\nThe interpolation value (16-bit width, max 12 significant bits, \nleft-aligned) is rounded off to the number of set bits.
P8Scalar: DevLong 0: compensation for position value off (default).\n1: compensation for position value on
P9Scalar: DevLong 0: acquisition of compensation value off (default) \n1: acquisition of compensation value on
P10Scalar: DevLong 1 to 8: Number of measuring points per octant \nwithin a signal period for calculation of compensantion\nvalues. Default value 1.
P11Scalar: DevLong 16 to 47: Time interval for timer.\nDefault value 33 corresponds to 1 ms.
FlagIgnoreStatusScalar: DevLong If true: ignore status in reading position.


Name Description
StateInput: DevVoid
Output: State
State Code
This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
StatusInput: DevVoid
Output: ConstDevString
Status description
This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
CalibrateInput: DevDouble
Calibrate position
Output: DevLong
Completion status
Calibrate encoder. Compute offset from calibrate and current positions.
InitEncoderInput: DevVoid
Output: DevLong
Completion status
Init encoder
SetCorrectionOffOnInput: DevLong
0 -> correction off, 1-> correction on (P9)
Output: DevLong
Completion status
Set correction off or on setting P9 to 0 or 1 respectively.
DoReferenceInput: DevVoid
Output: DevLong
Completion status
Start reference-seeking
CancelReferenceInput: DevVoid
Output: DevLong
Completion status
Cancel reference



Name Description
ChannelDevUShort Channel number. 0 or 1, selecting /dev/enc/0 or /dev/enc/1.
ModeDevUShort 0 -> current measurement 1 -> voltage measurement
SimulationModeDevULong 0 real mode, 1 simulation mode
DeviceDirDevString Directory containing the encoder device files, e.g. /dev/ik220. Devices are expetected to be named DeviceDir/channelNumber, e.g. /dev/ik220/0, /dev/ik220/1 etc.

23 Feb 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device class has been updated.
You are looking at this version now.

19 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been updated.
You can see previous version here .

2 Jan 2017, Piotr Goryl
The device server has been added to catalogue.
Added by:pgoryl2 on:23 Feb 2017, 10:33 a.m.