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Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
HighPrecisionADDABoard InputOutput Waveshare ADS1256 DAC8532
HostInfo Miscellaneous none
HydraHarp400 MeasureInstruments none
HydraHarp400Ctrl MeasureInstruments none
I404 InputOutput none
IBeamSmart Miscellaneous
IDS3010 Instrumentation none
IK220 Instrumentation none
IORegister StandardInterfaces
IPGLaserYLR100AC Instrumentation IPG Laser YLR-100-AC
IPGLaserYLR100SM Instrumentation IPG Laser YLR-100-AC
IPGLaserYLRCtrl Instrumentation IPG Laser YLR-100
ISGCamera Instrumentation ISG XL Camera
ITC503TempCtrl Temperature Oxford Instruments ITC503
Ieee1394 Acquisition
ImagePro Acquisition
ImgAnalogGrabber Acquisition
ImgBeamAnalyzer Calculation none
ImgCalibration Calculation
ImgFileReader Calculation
ImgGrabber Acquisition
Interlock StandardInterfaces
IonGunSPECS OtherInstruments SPECS PU IQE 11/35
JSocket Communication none
JtecKBAxis Motion none
JtecKBCtrl Motion none
Julabo Instrumentation Julabo F25-ME
JumoQuantrolLC MeasureInstruments Jumo Quantrol LC
JumoQuantrolLCSlave MeasureInstruments Jumo Quantrol LC100/LC200/LC300
Jungfrau Acquisition PSI Jungfrau

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