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Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
BronkhorstMassFlowCtrl Instrumentation Bronkhorst Mass Flow
BrooksCryoPump Temperature Brooks
BunchUhr Miscellaneous, AbstractClasses DESY MSK, none Petra III Bunch Uhr,
C208 CounterTimer
C400Pyramid CounterTimer Pyramid Technical Consultants C400
CAENFastPS PowerSupply CAEN ELS FastPS
CAENN1471HV PowerSupply CAEN N1471
CAENN1471HVCtrl PowerSupply CAEN N1471
CAENelsAH501D Instrumentation CAENels AH501D
CCDPVCAM Acquisition Roper Scientific
CDCMEnergy BeamlineComponents none
CWGenCross Miscellaneous none
CWGenCtrl Miscellaneous none
CYBERSTAR Acquisition
CamelIntegration SoftwareSystem HZG
CamerasMonitor Monitor none
CanberraAIM556 MeasureInstruments none
Ccd AbstractClasses none
CellCouette SampleEnvironment
CenterThree Instrumentation none
CenterThreeCOM SampleEnvironment Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum CenterThree
CenterThreeCtrl Instrumentation Pfeiffer
ChannelCutOffsetP06 BeamlineComponents none
Clipboard Miscellaneous none
CollisionsSensor Motion none
CombinedGaugeDS Vacuum none
CombinedMotor Motion none
CombinedMotor Motion none
Composer Communication S2Innovation

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