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Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
Mar345 Acquisition Marresearch Mar345
Mar345Control Acquisition none
Mar345Ctrl Instrumentation Rayonix mar345
MarCCD Acquisition Rayonix CCD SX165
Matlab SoftwareSystem
MchBilt PowerSupply none
MeasuredFillingPattern Calculation, Calculation none, none ,
MechanicalGenericBender BeamlineComponents none
Medipix Acquisition none
MenloDDS120 Miscellaneous MenloSystems DDS120
MenloSMA1000 Controllers, AbstractClasses, Controllers, AbstractClasses MenloSystems, none, MenloSystems, none SMA1000, , SMA1000,
MercuryiTCTempCtrl Instrumentation Oxford Instruments MercuryiTC
MercuryiTCTempSensor Instrumentation Oxford Instruments MercuryiTC
MessageTrigger SoftwareSystem none
MicroEpsilonILR118x MeasureInstruments Micro-Epsilon ILR118x
MicroEpsilonILR118x AbstractClasses, MeasureInstruments none, Micro-Epsilon , ILR118x
MicrocodeDataViewer Motion
MidiVac Vacuum
MinimalCcd1394 Acquisition none
Ministat125 Temperature
MirrorCalculator Miscellaneous none
MirrorP02 Motion none
MirrorP09 Motion none
Modbus Communication none
ModbusComposer Calculation none
ModbusDataViewer Communication
ModbusPLC InputOutput
MonoP04 Motion none
MonoUndSynchronMotor Motion none
Motor AbstractClasses none

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