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Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
Lakeshore335 Temperature Lakeshore 335
Lakeshore_336 Temperature
Lambda Acquisition DESY(FS-DS)
Lambda2M Acquisition DESY(FS-DS)
LambdaASAPOAnalysis Acquisition none
LambdaASAPOAnalysis Acquisition none
LambdaOnlineAnalysis Acquisition none
LaserYLR OtherInstruments IPG Photonics YLR
LeCroyWavePro735Zi MeasureInstruments LeCroy WavePro 735Zi
LensesBox Motion none
LeyboldGaugeController Vacuum
LeyboldTD400 Vacuum Leybold
LibXRay Calculation
LiberadbControl BeamDiagnostics
LightPhlox OtherInstruments
LinacAlba Miscellaneous Thales Alba-linac
LinacAlbaSimulator Simulators none
LinkamT96 Temperature Linkam
LoCuM4ENZ Instrumentation ENZ LoCuM-4
LoCuM_4 Miscellaneous none
LogReader SoftwareSystem none
Logix5000 PLC none
Lom Motion none
Lom500Energy Motion none
LomEnergy Motion none
MCA StandardInterfaces
MCA8715 Acquisition none
MCADxpXmap Acquisition XIA Dxp-Xmap
MCS StandardInterfaces
MDGG8 Instrumentation none

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