There are device classes for the following families:

All (863 device classes) AbstractClasses(9), AcceleratorComponents(4), Acquisition(114), Application(1), Archiving(2), BeamDiagnostics(17), BeamlineComponents(21), Calculation(30), Communication(42), Controllers(6), CounterTimer(22), InputOutput(39), Instrumentation(96), Interlock(1), Laser(1), MagneticDevices(5), MeasureInstruments(59), Measurement(1), Miscellaneous(30), Monitor(1), Motion(159), Motors(2), OtherInstruments(40), PLC(1), PowerSupply(39), REST(1), RadioProtection(3), SampleEnvironment(5), Security(2), Simulators(15), SoftwareSystem(23), StandardInterfaces(20), System(3), Temperature(23), Training(2), Vacuum(29),

Have you written a new device class? Please share it.

Below you will find a table with all device classes. Please click a family name above or use search to narrow the list. You may also use advanced search to find a device class you are looking for.

Device Server Family Manufacturer Products
SRSResGasAnalyzer PowerSupply Delta Elektronika SM70-22
PfeifferGauge Vacuum Pfeiffer TPG262 and TPG256A
MKS_MicrovisionIP_RGA Vacuum MKS microvision
Agilent4uhvCtrl Vacuum Agilent UHV
PLCTempCtrlP02 Instrumentation none
OxfordCryostream700 Temperature, AbstractClasses Oxford Cryosystems, none 700er Series Cryostream Cooler,
OxfCryostreamCoolerCtrl Instrumentation Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler
OxfCryostreamCooler Instrumentation Oxford Cryosystems 700 Series Cryostream Cooler
MercuryiTCTempSensor Instrumentation Oxford Instruments MercuryiTC
MercuryiTCTempCtrl Instrumentation Oxford Instruments MercuryiTC

The catalogue has been prepared by 3Controls