Tango EcoSystem

Tango-Ecosystem cluster_bindings cluster_frontend cluster_core cluster_gui cluster_tools cluster_archiving cluster_coreservers bindings Bindings labview Labview igorpro Igor PRO matlab Matlab and Octave rest REST API panorama Panorama c C language gui GUI frontend Frontend alarm Alarm system comete Comete java client jddd jddd mtango mtango panic Panic alarm system sardana Sardana tangoweb Tango Web egiga E-Giga core Core Libraries python Python API java Java API cpp C++ API canone Canone qtango QTango taurus Taurus atk ATK logviewer Log viewer tangowebapp Waltz archiving Archiving tools Tools jive Jive pogo Pogo astor Astor atkpanel ATKPanel jdraw jdraw pytangoarchiving PyTangoArchiving hdbplus HDB++ coreservers Core Servers tac Tango Access Control (TAC) devicesrv Starter device server mtangorest mTangoREST server databasesrv Database Server tangologo
Tango-Ecosystem cluster_right cluster_archiving cluster_gui cluster_groupbottom cluster_frontend cluster_tools cluster_bindings cluster_left cluster_core cluster_coreservers archiving Archiving pytangoarchiving PyTangoArchiving hdbplus HDB++ gui GUI canone Canone qtango QTango taurus Taurus atk ATK logviewer Log viewer tangowebapp Waltz frontend Frontend alarm Alarm system comete Comete java client jddd jddd mtango mtango panic Panic alarm system sardana Sardana tangoweb Tango Web egiga E-Giga tools Tools jive Jive pogo Pogo astor Astor atkpanel ATKPanel jdraw jdraw bindings Bindings tangologo bindings:e--tangologo:sw labview Labview igorpro Igor PRO matlab Matlab and Octave rest REST API panorama Panorama c C language core Core Libraries core:e--tangologo:nw python Python API java Java API cpp C++ API coreservers Core Servers tac Tango Access Control (TAC) devicesrv Starter device server mtangorest mTangoREST server databasesrv Database Server tangologo:ne--archiving:w tangologo:_--gui:w tangologo:se--frontend:w tangologo:s--tools:n tangologo:w--coreservers:e


Device Catalogue

Here you will find device classes available in the community.

Device classes provide among others connectivity to equipment. So, if you want to connect your hardware to TANGO Controls, please, check the catalogue. One or more device classes can be wrapped as a device server to connect one or more devices to your TANGO control system. TANGO imposes no limit on the number of devices or classes in a device server. It depends on the implementation of the device class.

Have you written a new device class?  Please, share it.

To find what is in the Classes catalogue, visit Classes Catalogue page.