131 results
Since last night the TANGO Controls Community website (this website!) has a new look :
It went live at 19:00. Thanks to everyone who made this new website happen! Now it is in the hands of the community to make it live! Please join us and use the forum, post news items, provide us with your feedback via the contact form.
Installing TANGO on Ubuntu could not be easier! A new video (in French with English) sub-titles explains how to step by step:
Thank you to Mohamed Cherif Areour for this video!
We kindly invite you to participate at the ELI-TANGO workshop (24-25 February, ELI-ALPS, Szeged, Hungary). The participation is free but please register till 31st of January, 2015 by sending an email to me (email: lajos.fulop@eli-alps.hu Note: please give your name and your institution/organization).
The Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) signed the TANGO Memorandum of Understanding the 17th of November 2014. We warmly welcome this new team in the TANGO community. Astrophysics as a new domain, opening very exciting perspectives for TANGO.
A TANGO training has been organized by IAEA for the Algerian "Commissariat à l'énergie atomique" from 26 to 30 october 2014.
The 26th Tango collaboration meeting will be hosted by the FRM II institute and will take place the 26 and 27 of September. The executive committee will also meet during these days.
The 28 st TANGO collaboration meeting took place at the ESRF the 19 and 20 of May 2014 . The full program and associated slides are can be consulted below
A TANGO workshop was held at the PCaPAC 2014 conference in Karlsruhe. The workshop introduced TANGO, explained the communication patterns in detail, presented the device class guidelines and the TANGO ecosystem. The workshop was organised by TANGO Controls experts from the ESRF, Soleil and Software Schneiderei with help from the local organising committee from KIT-ANKA.
The Extreme Light Inrastructure Attosecond institute (ELI-ALPS) signed the TANGO Memorandum of Understanding the 14th of April 2014. We warmly welcome the ELI-ALPS team in the TANGO community. They join the growing community of laser facilities using TANGO Controls.
[Draft] ELI-beamlines signs MOU
The Extreme Light Inrastructure Beamlines institute (ELI-beamlines) signed the TANGO Memorandum of Understanding the 14th of April 2014. We warmly welcome the ELI-beamlines team in the TANGO community. They join the growing community of laser facilities using TANGO Controls.
131 results