131 results
SKA-France will meet with a number of Tango specialists at the ESRF on the 5th April. The meeting will include astronomy institutes and industrial partners from France who are interested to see how they can contribute to SKA using Tango.
More details about the event can be found here: https://indico.esrf.fr/indico/event/16/
We wish them a successful meeting!
Dear Tangoers,
I am pleased to announce a new version of TangoWebapp - v0.3
Full info about the new features can be found here: GitHub Release v0.3
This new version has been deployed to Amazon cloud
So you can access it following this link (tango-cs/tango)
Have a nice and sunny day (Hamburg's weather really suprises these days)!
Best regards,
The new Taurus 4.3.0 has been released.
The source files and windows installers can be downloaded from:
(debian packages are still being prepared)
The documentation is available at:
For a detailed list of changes, see the CHANGELOG and the issue tracker.
The 2018 general assembly of the TANGO community took place from the 5th of June 2017 2 PM to, 8th of June 2017 5:00 PM at Dolní Břežany (Czech Republic) organized by ELI Beamlines
Big news for all Tango Windows users :
As announced at the last Tango meeting in Florence Continuous Integration for Tango and PyTango has been set up for Windows!!! Now the latest versions of Tango and PyTango are automatically built for a large variety of Windows platforms and compilers.
Good news everyone!
JTango has finally made it into maven central:
Special thanks to Reynald Bourtembourg! He has made a considerable input to the process.
This workshop gave a general overview of the TANGO control system framework and its different aspects including latest developments.
We remind you that the TANGO collaboration meeting will take place in Florence, hosted by the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in the nice location of Convitto de La Calza, from June 6th to 8th.
All the seats have been taken - if you are still interested in attending then please follow the event via the online streaming. Details on how to follow the event online will be posted here as soon as they are known.
You can find the program here: https://www.ict.inaf.it/indico/event/514/
A Write-the-docs camp will be held in Grenoble. The camp will be a 3 day event to work exclusively on writing documentation for Tango.
Dear Tango Users,
I am pleased to announce first Tango Users Meeting in Russia.
The goal of this meeting is to gather Tango Users in Russia, share projects, experience and prepare a wish-list for the next Tango version. The results of this meeting will be presented on 31th Tango Users Meeting in Firenze.
The meeting will take place in Moscow on May, 18th 10-17:00.
The meeting will take place at:
Nastavnicheskiy per., 17, str. 1
RussiaFeel free to join: http://doodle.com/poll/rmyvu2dcbw5b5c9w
Here is a draft of the timetable (will be updated once new talks are submitted):
The new Taurus 4.0.3 has been released.
The source files and windows installers can be downloaded from PyPI:
The documentation is available at:
The Tango kernel team is pleased to announce the release of Tango 9.2.5a. You can download the source distribution from the download section.
The new Sardana release 2.2.0 (corresponding to the Jan17 milestone) is now available to download from PyPI (source and windows installer)
The MARS City project to simulate living on Mars has adopted Tango as their unifying protocol for connecting their devices. Read about it in the Testimonies section.
A script to backup all repositories from a GitHub organization with their issues and wiki pages is now available on GitHub:
https://github.com/tango-controls/GitHubBackup.It can be used to backup all the tango-controls GitHub repositories for instance.
The next general assembly of the TANGO community will take place from the 6th of June 2017 2 PM to, 8th of June 2017 5:00 PM at Firenze (Italy) organized by the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory , a member of INAF (National Institute for AstroPhysics)
You can find detailed information on Venue, Registration and Abstract submission here
The draft summary agenda is:
- 6th June 2017
- 9:00 to 12:30 Tango steering committee meeting (restricted session)
- 13:30 to 17:00 Tango Community meeting Plenary session 1
- 7th of June
- 9:00 to 12:30 Tango Community meeting Plenary session 2
- 13:30 to 17:00 Tango Community meeting Plenary session 3
- 8th of June
- 9:00 to 12:30 Tango Community meeting Plenary session 4
- 13:30 to 17:00 Closing session and Visit of the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory
- 6th June 2017
We are happy to announce that the Sardana project has just finished its transition to GitHub.
We are happy to announce that the Taurus project has just finished its transition to GitHub.
131 results