3 results

  • We are happy to announce the release of Sardana 3.3.3

    To read about new features we encourage you to see newly introduced What's new section in the Sardana Docs: https://sardana-controls.org/news.html#what-s-new-in-sardana-3-3

    Details are described in the release notes: https://gitlab.com/sardana-org/sardana/-/releases/3.2.3

    The source packages are available on PyPI:


    and other installers are available to download from the GitLab release assets.

    The documentation (including installation instructions for different platforms) is available at: https://sardana-controls.org


    Teresa (on behalf of all the Sardana Community)

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    First face-to-face Taranta meeting in Lecce (Italy) 3-4 June 2022

    It's a pleasure to announce the first face-to-face Taranta meeting, the software for creating web-user interfaces for Tango. 

    The meeting will be hosted in Lecce (Italy) from 3 to 4 June 2022.
    During the meeting, we will discuss the past, the present, and the future of Taranta; the role, the needs, and the contribution of the community; and how to make know and fully exploit the potential of Taranta.

    Lecce is a symbolic city, in fact, the Taranta name has been inspired by Taranta which is a dance invented in Salento (Italian geographic region), and Lecce is one of the most beautiful Salento cities.

    All contributions are very welcome! If you want to share your experience/needs with Taranta or with a Tango web interface in general, send a proposal using the Indico page.

    All information and registration are available at the following link: https://indico.tango-controls.org/event/52/

    The event will be hosted by INAF in collaboration with UniSalento and the Tango Collaboration.

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    Carlos Pascual-Izarra, who has been the main maintainer of Taurus for many years, presented the 5th Tango Kernel Webinar which was dedicated to Taurus.

    This was a knowledge-transfer webinar to facilitate other people taking over with Taurus maintenance.

    The webinar took place on Wednesday 27th April at 9:30 CEST (expecting to extend till 13:00 CEST).

    The notes for the webinar can be found on the taurus wiki:

    The videos of this Tango Kernel Webinar are available on tango-controls youtube channel:

3 results