3rd Tango Kernel Webinar on cppTango events
EventYou would like to learn more about the Tango internals and to know how to contribute to Tango kernel projects? Now is your chance to hear directly from Emmanuel, one of the Tango C++ library original developers.
The 3rd Tango Kernel Webinar took place on Wednesday 20th January 2021.
This webinar focused on the Tango Events implementation in cppTango. It was presented by one of the original Tango C++ library developers, Emmanuel Taurel (ESRF - France).
This meeting has been recorded and is available on tango-controls youtube channel:
- Tango Kernel Webinar #3 - Tango event system
- Tango Kernel Webinar #3 - Tango events system - Questions/Answers session
Tango event system - slides-odp (102.1 KB)