33rd Tango Community Meeting
Event Desy (Hamburg)Draft program:
- Monday 3rd of June
- 8h30 -12h30: Restricted session: Tango executive committee
- 13h30 - 17h30 Plenary session
- 13h30: Welcome and opening
- 14h: Projects status
- Tuesday 4th of June Plenary session
- 9h -12h30: Tango core libraries and tools development status
- 13:30 -17h30: Tango utilities and related developments
- Wednesday 5th of June
- 9h-12h: Plenary session: Community developments and discussions
- 12h - 12h 30: Closing remarks
- 14h - 16h: Visit of the installations
Registration are open. Registration form here
link to the event site