Waltz (TangoWebapp) workshop @Solaris
Event Solaris, Krakow, PolandOn the 4th and 5th of July, 2018 a 1,5 days workshop took place at SOLARIS in Krakow.
The first day was planned to be very busy and full and it actually was. We started at 10 AM and ended around 17:30.
It was opened with the web basics, answering the questions what web, servlets and REST API are. The architecture of the Tango REST API and Waltz platforms were thoroughly described including print-screens and code snippets.
We installed Tango REST API, Waltz. Opened IDE to configure it and went through the code to understand its structure. We created our own tab with the image of the attribute (made the image updated in the desired time period) and added this new tab to the Waltz:
Tried Waltz in a test mode and debugged it a little.
Then we created an application on the Waltz platform and applied the new css to it:
You can find all the related information (slides, guidelines and materials) visiting GitHub wiki page.
The second day was dedicated to what changes and improvements are going to be made in Tango kernel. We spent nice 2 hours brainstorming and thinking about main Tango Controls concepts, future plans and expectations.
After that we had a very interesting and informative excursion to the SOLARIS synchrotron held by Krystian Kędroń and Michał Fałowski.
All in all we think that this workshop was very helpful for both sides.
We would like to say many thanks to those who attended our workshop. Everyone was eager to learn, was not afraid to ask questions and thus also guided us a bit though the workshop.
Michał Ostoja-Gajewski, thank you so much for supporting our idea of making this workshop in SOLARIS and letting your team leave their working places and spend almost 2 days with us.
And we thank Krystian Kędroń for guiding us though Krakow and SOLARIS giving an exhaustive information.
We are very glad that we had such a great opportunity.
Olga Merkulova and Igor Khokhriakov.