16 results
Dear Tangoers,
Tango REST API v1.0 has been released.
v1.0 is a combination of rc5 and rc6. The most notable features:
- HTTP/2.0
- Bulk resources entry points e.g. attributes
- Shorten URL for Tango host resources
- Cache-Control etc
The whole project has been largely restructured. Tango REST API readme gives a good overview of the related projects.
Also rest-server-1.2 has been released. This release features Tango REST API rc4 and v1.0 as well as internal improvements: link
Full description of the changes can be found in this presentation.
Please feel free to contact me in case of questions or request to help in migration.
Best regards,
Dear Tangoers,
Tango REST API RC6 specification draft has been released: link
The main changes to the specification are: introduction of subscriptions and HTTP/2.0
Tango REST API GitHub repository has been extended with client code samples: link.
If you use Tango REST API please feel encouraged to add your samples in your favorite language via Pull Requests.
Best regards!
We are happy to announce Tango WebUI workshop that will take place at Max-IV, Lund, Sweden on Oct'15-16ths.
Dear Tangoers,
Tango REST API RC5 specification draft has been released: link
Here is the comparison between RC4 and RC5. Resolved issues: link
RC5 will be in the draft state for the next two weeks. If there is no major issues with it it will be promoted from draft to actual version and I will start to update mtangorest.server accordingly.
Best regards and have a great weekend!
The cppTango team is pleased to announce the release of Tango Controls C++ library version 9.3.2.
Downloads of source and binary distributions are listed in cppTango Github repository.This version is considered as a pre-release version for the moment.
Please report any problem you may encounter by creating an issue or by creating a new post on tango-controls forum.NOTE this is not a Tango Source distribution! It is only Tango C++ kernel library release. -
Dear Tangoers,
I am pleased to announce a new version of Waltz v0.6 aka 2^8-1 i.e. Programmer's Day - 1
Full info about the new features can be found here: GitHub Release v0.6
This new version has been deployed to Amazon cloud
Demo version can be accessed following this link (tango-cs/tango)
Maybe most important is that Waltz-docs and WaltzPlatformAPI reference have also been released.
Best regards,
The new Sardana 2.5.0 (corresponding to the Jul18 milestone) has been released.
The source files and Windows installers can be downloaded from:
The documentation is available at:
For a detailed list of changes see CHANGELOG and issue tracker.
A mini documentation workshop took place on Monday the 4 June in the Panorama Hotel in Prague. The main goals of the workshop were:
- review the current documentation
- create issues for improving the documentation
- writing documentation
cppTango 9.3.0 has been released!
Please note that this version has been downgraded to pre-release status because some critical bugs have been found (problems with dynamic attributes and incompatibilities in the event system with older Tango devices (<9)).
More details on the issues can be found on https://github.com/tango-controls/cppTango/issues.Release notes can be found on the GitHub release page
Debian packages (wheezy, jessie, stretch) can be found here
Windows artifacts can be downloaded from here
NOTE this is not a Tango Source distribution! It is only Tango C++ kernel library release
Dear Tangoers,
I am pleased to announce a new version of TangoWebapp - v0.4 aka MirTrudMay due to the 1st of May :)
Full info about the new features can be found here: GitHub Release v0.4
This new version has been deployed to Amazon cloud
So you can access it following this link (tango-cs/tango)
This version will be presented at TangoWebapp workshop@DESY
Best regards,
The video of the presentation is now available - click "read more"
TangoWebapp is a web based application based on Tango Controls system. It accumulates features of standard Tango tools i.e. Jive, ATKpanel and provides new ones such streaming plots, multiple tango hosts view etc. All these will be covered in the Workshop.
SKA-France will meet with a number of Tango specialists at the ESRF on the 5th April. The meeting will include astronomy institutes and industrial partners from France who are interested to see how they can contribute to SKA using Tango.
More details about the event can be found here: https://indico.esrf.fr/indico/event/16/
We wish them a successful meeting!
Dear Tangoers,
I am pleased to announce a new version of TangoWebapp - v0.3
Full info about the new features can be found here: GitHub Release v0.3
This new version has been deployed to Amazon cloud
So you can access it following this link (tango-cs/tango)
Have a nice and sunny day (Hamburg's weather really suprises these days)!
Best regards,
The new Taurus 4.3.0 has been released.
The source files and windows installers can be downloaded from:
(debian packages are still being prepared)
The documentation is available at:
For a detailed list of changes, see the CHANGELOG and the issue tracker.
16 results