3 results

  • CIMG0013_small.JPG

    A TANGO workshop was held at the ICALEPCS 2015 conference on Sunday 18 October. Approximately 40 people attended. The workshop introduced new users to the concepts of TANGO and then went on to describing the new features in TANGO 9. All demos were done using the TANGO Virtual machine. There were many questions and discussions were lively. We thank the participants for their contribution. The format of the workshop proved to be well adapted to the audience.Most people found it useful to attend and learned a lot (even the old hands).


  • TANGO_VM_desktop.png

    This is a reminder that the TANGO9 virtual machine is now available for download:


    The documentation is available online with the virtual machine.

    NOTE: use 7z to unzip it on Linux or unzip on Windows

  • Nine.jpg
    The Tango kernel team is proud to announce that :
    Tango release 9.1.0 is ready for download!

    The main new features are:

    - Tango device now supports Pipe (see doc chapters 4.8 and 6.7.4)
    - Forwarded attribute (see doc chapter 7.8)
    - Enumerated attribute (see doc chapter 7.2)
    - New event type: Device interface change (chapter 4.6.3)
    - Dynamic commands (C++)
    - A new polling algorithm (see doc chapter
    - C++: Doc re-organisation: Client and server reference classes are doxygen generated and available from the Tango   web site. Old chapter 6 in Tango book has been removed
    - Database schema optimised for memorised attributes

    But they are a lot more. See TANGO_CHANGES file in the source code release.
    This release is also the first release with a unified jar file (for client part and server part) named JTango.jar

    On the Tango Downloads web page, you will find:
    - Source package for Linux
    - Binaries for Windows:
        - A complete Tango distribution for VC12 64 bits (Visual Studio 2013)
        - Zip files with Tango libs only for
            - VC9 32 bits
            - VC9 64 bits
            - VC10 32 bits
            - VC10 64 bits
    Doc on the web site has also been updated.

    Many thanks to all those who contributed to that new release

    The Tango kernel team

3 results