Tango recipes for OpenEmbedded Bitbake
Hi Wahid sorry for the late response … did you read the paper : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HOfuCSrw6B209dEPM7wvXpxm8jWtyQ9mt2t3AShQnJI everything is here I hope… wahidyes, you are right it is omniorb4_4.1.7, shared on google drive here : https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzpTFvp3zlvkVE1LYTJ1RW5WNzg 1)you need a linux host with 150 GB free, high speed internet access 2)install bitbake via git http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.8/yocto-project-qs/yocto-project-qs.html 3)get some extra recipes https://github.com/Xilinx/meta-xilinx I have on my host : (these are recipes, not all are used for our purpose) meta meta-oe meta-selftest meta-skeleton meta-xilinx meta-yocto meta-yocto-bsp 4) add tango recipes and hack zmq/omniorb as explained in the paper my custom recipes are in meta-skeleton/recipes-core/ For now, I have those recipes : (redpitaya is a DeviceServer recipe for the redpitaya) ds omniORB4 redpitaya tango zeromq I tested the VM and hoped your openembedded project was integrated and i could use it from your VM. sorry but Openembedded downloads lots of files, cross compile everything, it generates a huge vdi disk (>100GB) can't put it online. there is a learning curve, but it is worth it ! keep me informed of your progress. Where are you ? Is it for edu. or real hardware ? |
Hi Raphael, At first I want to thank you for your advices and I'm sorry if I disturb you with my annoying questions. I have some problems with the recipes. - Did you write them yourself or is there a repository given? I'm asking because I was looking for the additional files the recipe for omniorb4-4.1.7.bb needs, but the only version I could find in the web is omniorb 4.1.4 and 4.2. I was looking for the patches which i have to include in the files directory. - What do you mean with "hack zeromq/omniorb as explained in the paper"? - When I use bitbake, can I still use the command: bitbake core-image-minimal ? - Like you said I copied the recipes into the ../meta-skeleton/recipes-core/ directory. Let me show you my directory-tree: ————————————————- /opt/tango0915/poky/meta-skeleton/ ├── conf │ ├── layer.conf │ ├── multilib-example2.conf │ └── multilib-example.conf ├── COPYING.MIT ├── recipes-core │ ├── busybox │ │ ├── busybox │ │ │ └── no_rfkill.cfg │ │ └── busybox_%.bbappend │ ├── ds │ │ └── ds_1.1.1.bb │ ├── omniorb4 │ │ ├── files │ │ │ ├── omniorb_4.1.7.patch │ │ │ ├── omniORB.cfg │ │ │ ├── omniORB-cross.patch │ │ │ ├── omniORB_embedded_appl.patch │ │ │ └── rm_LongDouble.patch │ │ └── omniorb4_4.1.7.bb │ ├── tango │ │ ├── files │ │ │ ├── p812_1.diff │ │ │ ├── p812_2.diff │ │ │ ├── p812_3.diff │ │ │ └── p812_4.diff │ │ └── tango_8.1.2.bb │ └── zeromq │ └── zeromq_3.2.5.bb ├── recipes-kernel │ ├── hello-mod │ │ ├── files │ │ │ ├── COPYING │ │ │ ├── hello.c │ │ │ └── Makefile │ │ └── hello-mod_0.1.bb │ └── linux │ ├── linux-yocto-custom │ │ ├── 0001-linux-version-tweak.patch │ │ ├── feature.scc │ │ └── smp.cfg │ └── linux-yocto-custom.bb ├── recipes-multilib │ └── images │ └── core-image-multilib-example.bb └── recipes-skeleton ├── service │ ├── service │ │ ├── COPYRIGHT │ │ ├── skeleton │ │ └── skeleton_test.c │ └── service_0.1.bb └── useradd ├── useradd-example │ ├── file1 │ ├── file2 │ ├── file3 │ └── file4 └── useradd-example.bb ————————————————————— The problem is that I can start bitbake till it gives me errors, because it can't fetch the needed patches etc. for omniorb. Maybe you'll find some time to help me with this problem. I really appreciate your help. About me: I'm studying microelectronics / electrical engineering, working as a research student at DESY in Hamburg/Germany and doing this for my master thesis.
Best regards
Wahid |
1)your directory tree looks correct… your are not far from goal ! and you are right, I didn't find recipes for 4.1.7 ; I used 4.1.4 and modified it I have checked my disk : in directory omniORB4/files, I have these patches : arm_double.patch omniORB.cfg rm_LongDouble.patch dynskel.patch omniORB-cross.patch omniorb_4.1.7.patch omniORB_embedded_appl.patch so you need some ARM patches (I don't remember for now where I found them…) 2) FYI, omniorb compiling is a 2 steps procedure (bootstrapping) omniorb-arm (zynq target) needs omniorb-x86 (linux host) caution there is a little issue in this recipes during do_install () you need to manualy copy ./tmp/work/x86_64-linux/omniorb-native/4.1.7-r0/build/bin/omniidl to ./tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/omniidl my omniorb4_4.4.1.7.bb
actually, you need this extra recipe, for the 1st stage compilation (linux omniidl tool) omniorb-native_4.1.7.bb in addition to omniorb4_4.1.7 (put it in the same dir, edit local.conf) my omniorb-native