Running Pytango Device Server with Lima (and jive)

Hello. I'm a student and planning a project to build a spectrometer that allows remote data acquisition.

I'm trying to follow the steps in these Doc ( with webcam.

I installed packages with

> mamba create -n v4l2 -c conda-forge -c esrf-bcu lima-camera-v4l2-tango

so i checked with these lines

> mamba activate v4l2
> sudo service mariadb start
> sudo /usr/local/tango/bin/tango start
> /usr/local/tango/bin/jive &

jive window showed up…
and i did things exactly Document said so.
(but with v4l2)

and this happens.

when i double clicked device lima/limaccd/v412 (or 1)
it respond with those error messages

I don't know what to do now…

I search a lot and found that maybe this (below)
helps but does not work for me
It's so embarrassing to ask something like this.
but There weren’t many other options for me.
( <- that is the only issue that i can check but it doesn't helpful for me either)

How can I solve this problem?
Edited 1 month ago

Welcome to Tango. You've come quite far! Sorry it is so tricky to get started.

There are couple of things to check. I assume you are running all of these applications on a single host computer.

Problem 1: Database device server not running

The first screenshot, with DataBaseds failed to bind to port 10000, means the Tango Database device server couldn't start up properly. Are you trying to run it twice? Try killing all the instances, and then running it again.

If port 10000 is already in use by some other application, then you can start the DataBaseds application on a different port. Change the "giop:tcp::10000" part of the command line to another number, like "giop:tcp::10100". If you do this, you also have to change your TANGO_HOST environment variable to match. Like "export TANGO_HOST=localhost:10100".

Then start Jive again. You should be able to browse to Dserver/DataBaseds/2, and see no errors under "Polling status". And that it is now running on port 10100.

You won't be able to run any other Tango device servers unless the DataBaseds is running properly.

Problem 2: Lima device server not running

The Jive screenshots with the Lima device server indicate that it isn't running either. In Tango there is a concept of a device server being "exported". When a device server starts, it will contact the Tango database and inform it that it is now running and ready to accept connections. The device is marked as "exported". When the device server shuts down, it tells the Tango database that is going away, and it gets marked as "unexported". You can see the times for this in the Jive Device info summary as "last exported" and "last unexported". If the device server is running properly, "last exported" > "last unexported".

Once the DataBaseds is running, open another terminal and activate your conda environment. Make sure the TANGO_HOST environment variable is set correctly.

Start the Lima device server: "LimaCCDS 1"

(In PyTango versions earlier than 10.0.0, the device server would crash when it got the RestartServer command. This happens at the end of the Jive import wizard. Maybe that is why your Lima device server was stopped unexpectedly).

Dear Anton.

It works!

Got some errors but… all the problems in my post were gone now.
And that's a lot to me.

Even though I missed some plugins now… maybe i forgot libv4l or something.

but.. important thing is that I'm moving forward!

Thank you Anton!
I hope you have a Great day!

Best regards,
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