TANGO Support for WebSockets


I've been playing with TANGO Rest API and jsTangORB since couple of weeks.

I wanted to check if similar support for WebSockets is already developed by someone from the TANGO Community.

Edited 7 years ago
Hi Apurva,

There is a device server that bridges tango to WebSockets: link
Hi Igor,

Thanks for the response.
Hi Apurva,

There is a device server that bridges tango to WebSockets: link

Hello Igor,

I am now interested in using WebSocket with Tango for my master's thesis. The link that you posted is not working anymore. I would like to ask if this is what you posted back then — https://github.com/elkinvg/WebSocketDS

UPD: I have just also found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FHOKhaO4DI
Is it all related to the same topic?
Edited 3 years ago
Yes, you have found the right link!

Here is the video related to WebSockets:

Good luck with your Master thesis!


Thank you very much, Igor!
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