Libtango java tools won't connect tango db on Raspberry Pi

Hi all,

I've been scratching my head trying to try jive and astor for 4 days now :(

I am running tango on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian (to eventually use a Pi PLC). I have installed tango-db and PyTango from binaries without problem and have been testing Tango with Python.
However, I haven't been able to use any libtango java tools (jive, astor etc.) since they are unable to connect to the tango database for some strange reason.

Here are the steps that I used to install the tools.
1.Installed open jdk 8 (I also tried with Oracle JRE 8)
2.Installed liblog4j1.2-java by
~#sudo apt-get install liblog4j1.2-java

3. Downloaded libtango-java_9.2.5a-1_all.deb from and
~#sudo dpkg -i ./libtango-java_9.2.5a-1_all.deb

Below are the errors and trace info I received when trying to run Astor and Jive

I have made sure that Tango is running on localhost:10000 without problems. Below is how I connect to the tango db using python3:

- Viewed the login log of mariadb right after the error and it doesn't show any fail login attempt
- Changed libtango-java_9.2.5a-1_all.deb to libtango-java_7.2.6-1_all.deb. This time jive doesn't show error, just the connection failed message and I am able to get to the GUI of jive (but no connection)
- Tried using the jive version that comes with all dependencies here with the same result:
- As advised by the doc and some forum messages, I tried setting the shell & system environment variable MYSQL_USER=tango MYSQL_PASSWORD=tango both inside and outside the tango-db script to no avail
- Made sure that logging in manually to mariadb using user and password tango works
- Installed jive on a Windows PC on the same network to connect to the tango database on the Pi. Same problem.
Here is how I install tango on the Raspberry Pi:
1. Install mariadb-server with no password for root user
2. Install tango-db:
~# apt-get install tango-test tango-db

(when prompted for tango user and password, I used "tango" for both)
3. Start tango by:
~#sudo /etc/init.d/tango-db restart

(tango starts automatically at boot, but I need to restart every time to make it work)

I would be grateful if someone could shed some light on what is happening.
Edited 3 years ago
Hi !
I'm not an expert but I dare an answer …
Is your '/etc/hosts' under control ?
Does your '/etc/tangorc' reflect the '/etc/hosts' ?
By the past, with older versions, I encountered issues with the name resolution due to typo in these files.
Hope it helps
Hi Pierre,

Thanks for your suggestion.
Both files seem to be normal.
/etc/hosts       localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters raspberrypi

I have tried changing the last entry to to no avail.
Here is the content of /etc/tangorc
# Config file for my package

I have tried changing it to TANGO_HOST= to no avail.
OK, just out of some really wild guess, I disable ipv6 on the Pi and now everything works!
Dear @mariocaptain,

well done on solving your problem on your own! I do not know why IPV6 interfered with jive but not with Python. I am running ubuntu 20.04 on my laptop and have IPV6 enabled and Jive working (with OpenJDK 11). However I am using the latest version of Tango 9.3.4 compiled from source. But I am not sure if this is the reason.

My /etc/hosts file looks like like this:	localhost goetz-XPS-13-9300

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

and /etc/tangorc:


I hope your problems are solved now and you can talk to your PLC.

Happy tangoing!

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