sys-tango-benchmark results
Well it seems something is terribly wrong with C++ test benchmark I ran my test Java client against both JavaBenchmarkTarget server and TangoTest:
With C++ client the picture a bit different:
C++ a bit faster but it is far away from 1,1M ops/s as in the poster for ICALEPCS'19. I doubt if it is due to my 64 clients being on a single machine. Anyway even my simple test shows 350K not ~150K as in the poster. Some side observations:
Yeah, I got it! When I run TangoTest on the same physical machine where clients are launched (in docker though) it gives:
Not yet 1,1M but it is clear that C++ more optimized for local communication OR vice versa - Java is not optimized for local communication. So my conclusion - Java and C++ have more or less the same performance on the server side when client and server are separated by the network. C++ outstands Java when client and server deployed on a same physical machine even in dockers |