what's the DataBaseds and AtkPanel output meaning?
Ubuntu 10.04 & tango 8.1.2, 1.Firtly, I started DataBaseds : DataBaseds 2 -ORBendPoint giop:tcp::10000 all output likes ok. 2.then I successfully started my device server on the same host, but the DataBaseds output: device tango/admin/ubuntu not defined in the database ! what is "tango/admin/ubuntu"? how to define it in the database? 3.finnaly, I start AtkPanel to monitor my device, it output like this: ====================== ZMQ event system is available ============================ tcp:// —> tcp:// Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! tcp:// —> tcp:// Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! tcp:// —> tcp:// Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! tcp:// —> tcp:// Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! tcp:// —> tcp:// Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! tcp:// —> tcp:// Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! Device (sys/database/2) timed out (>3000 ms)! but finnaly AtkPanel can display my device' attributes correctly, why output this timeout message? I think my system configuration have problem, anybody an help me? thanks |
Hi About the point 2: Don't care about this trace. That means that you have started manually a device server on a machine named ubuntu. The database DS try to update the Starter DS for this machine. But it does not exist. Regards |