Problem with TangoTest device server

I am the completely new to the Tango Controls
I am installing Tango 9 on Windows 7-64bit, MySQL 5.7
I have problems with TangoTest device server ,why i cant see the server under my tango host
Details all in the picture
I have try the java1.7,java1.8,and now my java vision is 1.9
my database and starter are running well
Can someone give me some advises to fix this?

Hi Zeng Peiying,

Welcome to the TANGO community!

The image says that your TangoTest server is already running. You may kill the TangoTest process from TaskManager of Windows and follow the document at this link:

You shall add the TangoTest as a controlled server as guided on the above documentation.

Hope it helps.

Kind regards,
Hi Zeng Peiying,

Welcome to the TANGO community!

The image says that your TangoTest server is already running. You may kill the TangoTest process from TaskManager of Windows and follow the document at this link:

You shall add the TangoTest as a controlled server as guided on the above documentation.

Hope it helps.

Kind regards,
Thank you help,maybe i dont describe clearly
what i want to say is i can start the tangotest/test from the control panel,
and i can see this process at taskmanager of windows.
But,the tangotest/test dont display at the control panel.
even i started more servers, i cant see nothing at the control panel
as the picture show, i started 3 tangotest as different names,but no one showed at the control panel

I try these steps again,and still nothing display at the host's control panel
i think i follow the steps of the documentation well
what can i do to fix this problem?
I think your tangotest DS is working without problem:
To understand what you want:

  1. do you want to launch a GUI for TangoTest DS ? (launch "atkpanel sys/tg_test/1" will do this)
  2. do you want to manage sys/tg_test/1 device through Astor ? (you should then read the doc through the link given upside).
- Philippe
To understand what you want:

do you want to launch a GUI for TangoTest DS ? (launch "atkpanel sys/tg_test/1" will do this)
do you want to manage sys/tg_test/1 device through Astor ? (you should then read the doc through the link given upside).
thank for you help!
i want to manage sys/tg_test/1 device through Astor and i want this server display at astor

my attachments have two pictures, 2nd is come from the link that you provide, 1st is come from my astor
for 2nd picture,the have many hosts are running with green led, double chick one host will open the control panel,and the running servers are display under level1/Level2/Level3 with green led.

for 1st picture,it has a running host with green led,but when you double chick it to open control panel, nothing is display at the popup windows: no level1/Level2/Level3, no led, no sys/tg_test/1
(i have launched the sys/tg_test/1 by astor(using the button:Start New ) .and server info shows "exported : true" ,so the device server is working)
if i want to using astor to manage sys/tg_test/1, it must display at the popup windows first, then I can do the follow-up operation.
Edited 6 years ago
till now,i dont fix this problem,Can anyone help me?smilesmilesmile

In theory, you should be able to see your device server in the Astor Control Window of your host under the section "Not Controlled" but it seems there is no such section in your case… Not yet clear why… But this is maybe because of the fact that the host name is all uppercase and your starter instance name is lowercase? or maybe because you are on Windows…? The Starter/astor expert will hopefully get a better idea when he will be back from holidays.

What I would do if I were you would be:
  1. to kill the TangoTest device server, using whatever solution you prefer (Task manager or kill command from TangoTest admin device dserver/tangotest/test)
  2. to start your device server using astor as you already tried to do. But this needs to be done while the device server is not currently running so the first step is important.

Then you should be able to see TangoTest/test in astor. If not, I would then try to rename the starter instance and put it all in uppercase (Starter/8XNU…T6A) since your host seems to be defined in uppercase and restart the Starter.
Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new.
Hi, and happy new year,
by default, device servers are not controlled by Astor so it is normal behavior that no DS appears on astor if no DS has been configured with astor.

Since your device servers are launched, to control a DS through Astor, you need to:
1. add a new host associated to the computer where your DS runs (
2. add the device server to the ones controlled by Astor (
Did you try to follow these steps? If yes, where exactly does it fails?


Reynald overtook me. ;)
Please note I am not an astor expert.
However, you could right-click on "Not controlled" text and select on "Expand Tree", does it make appear some DS?
- Philippe
Edited 6 years ago
Hi, and happy new year,
by default, device servers are not controlled by Astor so it is normal behavior that no DS appears on astor if no DS has been configured with astor.

Since your device servers are launched, to control a DS through Astor, you need to:
1. add a new host associated to the computer where your DS runs (
2. add the device server to the ones controlled by Astor (
Did you try to follow these steps? If yes, where exactly does it fails?


Reynald overtook me. ;)
Please note I am not an astor expert.
However, you could right-click on "Not controlled" text and select on "Expand Tree", does it make appear some DS?

thank for you help very much

I add the host and DS all followed the steps you mentioned above.
These are also the steps mentioned in the teaching manual.
i launch the DS from the Astor,not from other tools….

and, nothing happen when i right-click on "Not controlled" text:'(

or,i think Astor does not display due to lack of plug-in?
Edited 6 years ago
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