[NOOB] can't run jive... (win10)
I'm sorry for the noob question. All I'm trying to do is to peruse jive (win binary 9.2.2 install) to explore a sane remote tango_host. I'm reasonably sure that the communication is ok because I am able to browse devices on that host using the labview connector. And in fact, I have been once able to open jive too a few days ago. Rebooted the client computer, wasn't able anymore. Have tried updating jre and jdk versions without any success. "jive doesn't start" means for me that clicking on C:\Program Files\tango\bin\start-jive.bat just flashes a shell window and produces no further output; no output either from shell. Some other .bats in C:\Program Files\tango\bin actually start, e.g. atkmoni, atkpanel, atktune (which hang at 0%, but maybe another issue, I don't bother running a local db)This is what I think is the relevant part of the my environment variables:
What am I missing and how can I troubleshoot? I presume it must be something so dumb that it hurts. |
Please download and try with Java 8. Probably you would need to alter start-jive.bat to use the correct Java i.e. if it uses JAVA_HOME env var make sure it points to the right Java. |
Yeah, uninstalled jdk and jre 10 and reinstalled jre 8 update 161, and now jive works, even after reboot. I see no reference to JAVA_HOME neither in start-jive.bat not in common.bat though. Anyway, thanks for the tip! |