HDB++ installation

Great I got the 2 DS compiled and launching.
Except I don't understand where I should set the HDB++ dedicated MySQL database name, user and password ?

Thus I always get 'HdbMySQL: mysql connect db error: Access denied for user 'xtramgr'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'

Any idea ?
Edited 8 years ago
You have to setup some Properties: CheckPeriodicTimeoutDelay, DefaultContext, HdbppContext, LibConfiguration, StartArchivingAtStartup StatisticsTimeWindow, SuscribeRetryPeriod.
These can be Class Properties, as in the attached screenshot (with your specific password for tha database) which will apply to all EventSubscriber. If you want some custom setup for a device you can also specify the same as Device Properties. But to start Class Properties should be ok. See the attached screenshot.
Thank you very much, this screenshot helped me a lot !
I am in the process of writing an Ansible role for HDB++ that should summarize all this.
Hi Sly,
just to let you know the archiving Context/Strategies support is still work in progress and some names are going to change in the configuration Properties.

Thank you very much, this screenshot helped me a lot !
I am in the process of writing an Ansible role for HDB++ that should summarize all this.

Hi Sly,

I am very interesting to merge later on your ansible role to the one we have made for HDB++/Cassandra.
Tell me when you are ready.

Vincent Hardion
Control System
Hi All,

Can you please share the hdb_configurator-1.5a.jar download link?

Thanks and Regards
Hello Team

I am using tango-9.2.2 version.
I compiled hdb++cm and hdb++es device server successfully.
I am using hdb-configurator_1.3a.jar for GUI.
I tried to run the script ./jhdbcpp.sh, configuration gui opened.
I added some attributes for archiving,there are few problems:

1.) The attribute list which is archived doesn't get updated.
2.) Whenever i close the configuration-gui, and reopened it again, i am facing error like StringIndexOutOfRange: -8. I have attached the screenshot of the same.

Thanks and Regards
Anshul Soni

You can find hdb_configurator-1.5a.jar on the following page:

Best regards,

Edit: You can now download the jar file from the link I provided above.
When I sent this link, this web page was still in draft mode and the changes were not yet published.
Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new.
Edited 8 years ago
Hi Anshul,

Do you still have the same error with the version 1.5a of the Configuration GUI?
What version of the HDB++ Event Subscriber and HDB++ Configuration Manager device servers are you using?

Please be aware that the version 1.5a is not compatible with the latest versions of the HDB++ device servers.
According to me (I hope the guys from Elettra will correct me if I'm wrong), the latest stable release is the one corresponding to the tag named "release_07", which was not implementing the contexts and archiving strategies.

So you should not use the configuration GUI 1.5a with the latest versions of the HDB++ Event Subscribers and Configuration Manager…
So, 2 possibilities at that point, you use the Configuration GUI 1.5a but you use/compile the release_07 svn tag of libhdb++, libhdb++mysql (If you are using MySQL. which one are you using by the way?).
You should you use/compile the release_07 svn tag of the hdb++cm and hdb++es too.
Please be careful with the database schema in this case. Be sure to use one which is compatible with release_07 tag.
So using create_hdb++_mysql.sql script (If you are using MYSQL HDB++ schema) with a version compatible with release_07.
So looking at the logs of this file, I would say r28798 should work, maybe r29578 too but I am not sure since it was committed a bit after the release_07 tag was created.

Or if you want to help to debug the latest version of the GUI and HDB++ device servers, we can try to provide you with the latest version of the GUI which is still in development and which supports new features from HDB++. But you might find some bugs.

What do you prefer?

The project will move to GitHub and will be restructured in the coming months.
Documentation will be improved and we should be able to provide a table showing which version of the GUIs are compatible with which version of the device servers and what version of the schema should be used…
I am really sorry about the current situation which is a bit confusing…

Kind regards,
Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new.
Hello Reynald

Please can you share the latest version of HDB++ configuration manager and event device servers.
Also please share the link of latest stable version of GUI.

I am using following versions:

Hdb_Configuration_GUI jar- jhdbcpp-2.4a.jar

Thanks and Regards
Anshul Soni

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