HDB++ installation
Hello all I am trying to install HDB++. I made the path changes in Make-8.1.2.c.in and Make-hdb++.in. I have put HDB++MYSQL = 1 to compile it against libhdb++ and libhdb++mysql. I was able to successfully compile it. I created database and fired create_hdb++_mysql.sql query to create tables. I created device server in jive. Server/Instance : hdb++srv-cm/01 Class: HdbConfigurationManager Device:tango/hdb/cm-1 When i am running configuration manager device server from terminal $./hdb++srv-cm 01 & It says ArchiverList property not defined in database. 1.) What i have to define in ArchiverList device property of HdbConfigurationManager ? When I am trying to run the make command from /hdb++/gui/java-configurator/trunk/src I am getting some long list of errors which is listed below: $make —————————————– Building org.tango.hdbcpp.tools —————————————– javac -deprecation -Xlint:unchecked -d ../bin -d ../bin org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/*.java org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverAliasesDialog.java:38: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverAliasesDialog.java:39: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxy; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverAliasesDialog.java:40: error: package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util does not exist import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.ATKGraphicsUtils; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverAliasesDialog.java:41: error: package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util does not exist import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.ErrorPane; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/SubscriberMap.java:39: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/SubscriberMap.java:40: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxy; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/SubscriberMap.java:41: error: package fr.esrf.TangoDs does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoDs.Except; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverAliasesDialog.java:94: error: cannot find symbol public ArchiverAliasesDialog(JFrame parent, SubscriberMap subscriberMap) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverAliasesDialog org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverAliasesDialog.java:204: error: cannot find symbol private void updateDatabase() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverAliasesDialog ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:39: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.AttrQuality; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:40: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:41: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.*; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:42: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi.events does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.events.ITangoChangeListener; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:43: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi.events does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.events.TangoChangeEvent; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:44: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi.events does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.events.TangoEventsAdapter; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:45: error: package fr.esrf.TangoDs does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:56: error: cannot find symbol public class Subscriber extends DeviceProxy { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/SubscriberMap.java:67: error: cannot find symbol public SubscriberMap(DeviceProxy configuratorProxy) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class SubscriberMap ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/SubscriberMap.java:67: error: cannot find symbol public SubscriberMap(DeviceProxy configuratorProxy) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class SubscriberMap ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/SubscriberMap.java:80: error: cannot find symbol private void put(String deviceName, List<String[]> labels) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class SubscriberMap ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/SubscriberMap.java:124: error: cannot find symbol public Subscriber getSubscriber(String label) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class SubscriberMap ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:72: error: cannot find symbol public Subscriber(String deviceName, String label) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:130: error: cannot find symbol public long getStatisticsResetTime() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:141: error: cannot find symbol public int getStatisticsTimeWindow() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:214: error: cannot find symbol public void addAttribute(String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:221: error: cannot find symbol public void removeAttribute(String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:231: error: cannot find symbol public void startAttribute(String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:242: error: cannot find symbol public void stopAttribute(String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:252: error: cannot find symbol public void pauseAttribute(String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber ./org/tango/hdbcpp/common/Subscriber.java:257: error: cannot find symbol public String getAttributeStatus(String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Subscriber org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:38: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:39: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceAttribute; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:40: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceData; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:41: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.DeviceProxy; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:55: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getSubscriberList(DeviceProxy configuratorProxy) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:55: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getSubscriberList(DeviceProxy configuratorProxy) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:68: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getAttributeList(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attrType) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:68: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getAttributeList(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attrType) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:81: error: cannot find symbol public static List<String[]> readStringAttributes(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:82: error: cannot find symbol String[] attributeNames) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:101: error: cannot find symbol public static void lockDevice(DeviceProxy proxy) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:101: error: cannot find symbol public static void lockDevice(DeviceProxy proxy) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:131: error: cannot find symbol public static void addAttribute(DeviceProxy configureProxy, ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:135: error: cannot find symbol boolean lockIt) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:178: error: cannot find symbol public static void moveAttribute(DeviceProxy managerProxy, String attributeName, String subscriberName) throws ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:179: error: cannot find symbol DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:192: error: cannot find symbol public static void startAttribute(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:192: error: cannot find symbol public static void startAttribute(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:205: error: cannot find symbol public static void stopAttribute(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:205: error: cannot find symbol public static void stopAttribute(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:218: error: cannot find symbol public static void pauseAttribute(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:218: error: cannot find symbol public static void pauseAttribute(DeviceProxy subscriberProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:231: error: cannot find symbol public static void removeAttribute(DeviceProxy managerProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:231: error: cannot find symbol public static void removeAttribute(DeviceProxy managerProxy, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:246: error: cannot find symbol public static String getArchiver(DeviceProxy configurator, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/ArchiverUtils.java:246: error: cannot find symbol public static String getArchiver(DeviceProxy configurator, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class ArchiverUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/PopupHtml.java:43: error: package fr.esrf.TangoDs does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/PopupHtml.java:44: error: package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util does not exist import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.ErrorPane; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/PopupHtml.java:62: error: cannot find symbol public class PopupHtml extends JDialog implements TangoConst { ^ symbol: class TangoConst org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/SplashUtils.java:38: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/SplashUtils.java:39: error: package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util does not exist import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.JSmoothProgressBar; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/SplashUtils.java:40: error: package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util does not exist import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.Splash; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/SplashUtils.java:56: error: cannot find symbol private static Splash splash = null; ^ symbol: class Splash location: class SplashUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:38: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:39: error: package fr.esrf.TangoApi does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoApi.*; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:40: error: package fr.esrf.TangoDs does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoDs.Except; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:41: error: package fr.esrf.TangoDs does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoDs.TangoConst; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:42: error: package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util does not exist import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.ATKGraphicsUtils; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:59: error: cannot find symbol public static String getDefaultTangoHost() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:64: error: cannot find symbol public static String getEventTangoHost() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:73: error: cannot find symbol public static String getTangoHost(String tangoHost) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:114: error: cannot find symbol public static String fullName(String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:161: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getDomains(String tangoHost) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:166: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getFamilies(String tangoHost, String domain) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:171: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getMembers(String tangoHost, String path) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:176: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getDeviceAttributes(String tangoHost, String deviceName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:181: error: cannot find symbol public static String getConfiguratorDeviceName() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:193: error: cannot find symbol public static String getEventProperties(String tangoHost, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:220: error: cannot find symbol public static String getAttPollingInfo(String tangoHost, String attributeName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:252: error: cannot find symbol public static List<String[]> getSubscriberLabels() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:279: error: cannot find symbol public static void setSubscriberLabels(List<String[]> labels) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:342: error: cannot find symbol public static String[] getFilteredDeviceNames(String tangoHost, String wildcard) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:347: error: cannot find symbol public static void testDevice(Component parent, String deviceName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:361: error: cannot find symbol public static String getArchiveName(DeviceProxy deviceProxy) { ^ symbol: class DeviceProxy location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/TangoUtils.java:376: error: cannot find symbol public static List<String> getDefaultTangoHostList() throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class TangoUtils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:38: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:39: error: package fr.esrf.TangoDs does not exist import fr.esrf.TangoDs.Except; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:40: error: package fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util does not exist import fr.esrf.tangoatk.widget.util.ErrorPane; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:41: error: package jive3 does not exist import jive3.MainPanel; ^ org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:55: error: cannot find symbol private static MainPanel jive = null; ^ symbol: class MainPanel location: class Utils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:69: error: cannot find symbol public ImageIcon getIcon(String filename) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Utils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:83: error: cannot find symbol public ImageIcon getIcon(String filename, double ratio) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Utils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:123: error: cannot find symbol public Component startExternalApplication(JFrame parent, String className) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Utils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:128: error: cannot find symbol public Component startExternalApplication(JFrame parent, String className, Object parameter) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Utils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:186: error: cannot find symbol public static ArrayList<String> readFileLines(String fileName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Utils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:203: error: cannot find symbol public static String readFile(String fileName) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Utils org/tango/hdbcpp/tools/Utils.java:221: error: cannot find symbol public static void writeFile(String fileName, String code) throws DevFailed { ^ symbol: class DevFailed location: class Utils ./org/tango/hdbcpp/configurator/TestEvents.java:37: error: package admin.astor.tools does not exist import admin.astor.tools.EventsTable; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/configurator/TestEvents.java:38: error: package fr.esrf.Tango does not exist import fr.esrf.Tango.DevFailed; ^ ./org/tango/hdbcpp/configurator/TestEvents.java:55: error: cannot find symbol private EventsTable eventsTable; ^ symbol: class EventsTable location: class TestEvents 100 errors make: *** [tools] Error 1 Any suggestions ? Thanks and Regards TCS-GMRT TEAM
The ArchiverList property from the configuration manager device server is a mandatory property so it must be defined in the Tango database. This property defines the list of archivers (Event Subscriber device servers) which are managed by your configuration manager. I would suggest to start with one archiver, so you should put the device name of your first archiver (EventSubscriber) in the ArchiverList property. Later on, you will be able to add other archivers using the Tools-> Add Subscriber from the configuration GUI. About your java compilation problems, it looks like you are missing some dependencies with some jar files. IntelliJ IDEA was used to develop this tool. You could look at gui/java-configurator/trunk/jhdb_cpp.iml file to see the dependencies. Cheers, Reynald
Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new. |
Hello Reynald 1.) I defined the ArchiverList property in HdbConfigurationManager. The device name of HdbEventSubscrtiber is "tango/hdb/es-1" So I defined it as mentioned by you ArchiverList=tango/hdb/es-1 Now when I am running the device server of HdbConfigurationManager from terminal, I am getting following error: Failed to import EventChannelFactory notifd/factory/01hw341680 from the Tango database terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid Aborted (core dumped) 2.) I am still having java-compilation problems. I have got the jar files, Still getting the same error. Maybe I am having some path issues. It would be very helpful if you could suggest the changes to be made in make file of gui. Thanks and Regards TCS-GMRT TEAM
Debian packages will be soon released. I've already seen some test Debian packages containing the 2 device servers and configuring them properly in the database, as well as creating all the necessary tables in the database. If you are working on a Debian based system and can wait a bit, it will be straightforward for you to install the device servers. There is still some work to do on the Java side to create Debian packages. I don't know yet when they will be ready. For the Java part, I could send you the jar files directly and some startup scripts that you could adapt for your own system. You can send me an e-mail to reynald.bourtembourg (esrf.fr). If you cannot wait for the Debian packages, maybe you could send me the backtrace of the core file which was generated and explain me how you did to add the ArchiverList property… Cheers, Reynald
Rosenberg's Law: Software is easy to make, except when you want it to do something new.
Corollary: The only software that's worth making is software that does something new. |
Hi, FYI the latest version of HDB++ will be shortly available pre-installed on the TANGO9 VM. This contains the device servers and jar files. By shortly I mean in the next few hours (if all goes well)! So you should be able to play with it and/or copy the files to your platform. Andy |
Hi, I started to package the gui application into rpm but facing the same problem described by TCS_GMRT. To workaround I modify the makefile like for Jive: But now the compiler complains about Except.throw_exception that does not take 2 String as arguments.
The code is compiled after tango 9. Did you write the prerequisite somewhere? Is it possible to backport to tango8? It's no worth to invest too much time to backport if this gui is really tied to tango9. Just tell me. /Vincent
Vincent Hardion
Control System MAX IV Laboratory |
Hi all, we would like to use HDB++ with Tango 8. I read through the comments here, played 1-2 days with the install but I am stuck with the above mentioned "Except.throw_exception" related compilation issue. I've checked the revisions of the jhdbcpp-Release and it seems the problematic line uses String parameter in all of them. Is there a solution/workaround to use the java-configurator with Tango 8? Thank you, Sandor Farkas ELI-ALPS HU |
Hi, I have the same problem as TCS_GMRT, i make an run hdb++mysql with Tango 9.2.2, but after two days of work, when I run the device server of HdbConfigurationManager, it report the following error: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error' what(): basic_string::_S_construct null not valid Aborted (core dumped) when i run the device server of HdbEventSubscriber, it report the following error: HdbPPMySQL: mysql connect db error: Access denied for user 'dev001'@'localhost' (using password: NO) what is HdbPPMySQL? thanks |
Sandor Hi Sandor, you can try using the release 1.7a of the GUI jar (attached). Cheers, Lorenzo |
Jimmy Hi, HdbPPMySQL is a library that implements the support for the legacy HDB schema. The error says the user dev001 does not have the rights to access the mysql database backend on the configured machine (localhost). Cheers, Lorenzo |