Visual Studio 2013
What is required to use Tango with Visual Studio 2013? We've been trying to use the precompiled VS2010 libraries with VS2013, and although everything compiles fine we get some mysterious crashes that don't happen when the same code is compiled using VS2010. Are there directions on how to compile Tango for Windows? |
Hi Andrei, As far as I know, it's safer to not mix libraries compiled with different releases of Visual Studio Compilers within the same executable. Therefore, to use VC12 (Visual Studio 2013 compiler), you have to compile Tango with VC12 (what you already did if I understand correctly) but also log4tango, omniORB libs and zmq. Did you do this? Hoping this help Emmanuel |
Hi Manu, Thanks for your answer! At this point I am still looking for instructions on how to compile Tango using Visual Studio. The README file only describes the classic Linux "./configure && make install" approach. Thank you! |
On Tango Controls web page there is Tango for Windows setup file, which includes precompiled (VS2013) tango library. Could someone share how to compile tango library using Visual Studio in Windows? Could it be possible to make available Visual Studio vcxproj file? |
I am also looking for instructions on how to compile Tango using Visual Studio, I want to have a 32 bit TANGO 9.2.2 for VC12 |